Before Use
Remove Protective Coverings
Before use, remove the protective strips from both sides of the vacuummop's
bumper as well as the protective film on the visual navigation sensor.
Install the Side Brush
Insert the side brush into the attachment slot on the bottom of the vacuum-
Position and Connect the Charging Dock
Place the charging dock near an electrical outlet in an area with a good Wi-Fi
signal. To ensure the vacuum-mop can return to the charging dock, leave at
least 0.5 meters of clearance on either side of the charging dock and at least
1.5 meters of open space in front, and make sure no objects are directly
overhead. Do not place the charging dock under furniture, such as a cabinet, or
chair. Connect the power cord to the charging dock and tidy up any loose cord
to prevent the vacuum-mop from getting tangled, which could accidentally
move or unplug the charging dock.