Drawer partitions
The upper drawer has 1 aluminum partition which is
removable, and can be placed in 3 different positions
vertically and 2 different positions horizontally using
the different dimples on the side of the drawers as
shown in the pictures:
Partition vertical
middle position
To change the position of the partition simply pull out
the partition and slide into the dimples on the desired
Partition vertical
front & back position
To place horizontaly slide out the partition and place
on top of the dimples, this will allow you to have a
second level of storage for easier access.
The lower drawer has 1 aluminum partition which is
removable and can be changed from the vertical
position to 2 different horizontal positions.
The partitions can be used to organize the contents of
your refrigerator or provide a secondary surface to store
and display items above the main storage space.
Partition horizontal
front & back position
Partition vertical
Partition horizontal
front & back position
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