In WESTERN WRD SYSTEM, WRD is the coordinator and can work in two modes: Viewer or Controller.
1.1. Viewer
By setting in the setup menu 8.4 WRD -> Oper.Mode: 'MONITOR': you get the View mode.
In this mode, the WRD does not control the charging and discharging of the system but takes care only of
displaying the parameters of the connected devices, can change the setup settings of the slaves, collects data and
remotely displays them in the cloud. The various devices autonomously perform their main functions
independently from the WRD.
1.2. Controller
By setting in the setup menu 8.4 WRD -> Oper.Mode: 'CONTROLLER': you get the Controller mode
In this mode, the WRD adds a control over the devices, dynamically modifying some parameters in order to
optimize the energy management of the entire system and ensure compliance with the battery parameters.
The operating mode of the WRD in menu 2.0 can be recognized from the indication in the battery graphics (§
Main screens).
In the appendix (Pic. Ax) the system connections are shown for the various possible configurations.
For its functioning the WRD uses the 12/24 / 48V system power supply and the connection WBUS which is
physically an RS485 bus, while the RJ45 Ethernet connection to the Internet cloud is optional (but strongly
The WESTERN WRD SYSTEM must be configured by setting to each WRMxx controller a unique address: from 1 to
32, while the WBM already has a fixed address (33) as in the case of connection with a Leonardo (34).
2.1. Installation procedure
1) To install the WRD in a dry place, there are two fixing options: from the panel and with frame (Pic.2)
2) At the back you can access the electrical connections. Both the power connection and that of the WBUS are
of a removable clamp type, easy to wire. Connect the cables correctly, if the power supply comes from the
battery, it is recommended that it is under the use of a fuse (0.5A) for cable protection. Finally, if it is used,
also connect the Ethernet cable.
3) Once all the connections have been made, power up the system. The WRD turns on and starts to function.
4) Now run the system configuration settings that will be required.
It is recognizable if a WRM30+ is remotely controlled (by WRD) if, on the WRM30+ display, the battery contour flashes every ~3sec.
The WBUS has the RS485 as its physical bus, so the two poles A and B must be connected correctly, while the GND pole should be left disconnected.
User manual