• Pinch Hazard - Keep hands clear of moving parts during assembly,
folding, and unfolding.
• Ensure that all the locking devices are engaged before use.
To Fold Stroller:
5. Roll stroller back slightly
ensuring front wheels are
facing backwards. Lock
parking brake.
6. Pull up on the left folding
trigger. At the same
time, with the other hand,
press the button on the right
side folding trigger and pull
up. Be sure to do both sides
at the same time to release
lock (Fig. 5).
7. Fold stroller and ensure that
front wheels lay flat and
locking mechanism on left
side is engaged (Fig. 6).
For Portability:
Front arm bar allows stroller to
be easily moved when needed.
(Fig. 7). Please note - before
moving, parking brake will
need to be released if engaged
in step 1.
Folding and Portability Continued
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7