• In Windows: Select Se�ngs>Privacy>Camera, turn
on allow apps to access your camera.
• On Mac: Select Apple menu>System Preferences>
Security & Privacy>Privacy>Camera, and select which
apps you want to use the camera. If you s�ll have
trouble connec�ng the Webcam, please refer to FAQ
sec�ons star�ng from Page 8.
3a. View your camera: Windows
Windows users can use the Camera app, which is
pre-installed with Windows. To find the Camera app
type "camera" (without the quota�on marks) in the
search bar at the bo�om of the screen and press enter.
Alterna�vely, go to the Start menu at the bo�om right
corner of the screen and le� click. Scroll through the
list of programs there un�l you get to the "C" sec�on,
the Camera applica�on will be listed there. To view your
webcam video you may need to select "the NexiGo
camera" from the list of other devices. At the top right
or le� of your screen click the cycle camera icon (the
arrow chasing itself, not the gear), and keep switching
un�l you get to the NexiGo webcam.