Dear customer,
Thank you for buying this quality product made by GENIE. Please read this
instruction carefully before initial operation. Particularly take note of the following
safety instructions. Please keep this instruction for future reference and pass it, when
handing over this item. If you should have any further questions on the device or
complaints you will find our service information at the end of this instruction.
Important safety advices
Read through these operating instructions carefully and completely
before using the machine for the first time.
Only put the machine on a flat and dry surface. It must be freely
accessible from all sides. It is not recommended to use an extension
Do not open or repair the laminating machine yourself, but take it to your
specialized dealer whenever it is damaged, or contact our service hot line.
Only use films of the correct size (up to DIN A4 max.) and thickness (80 to
125 microns). Films that are too thin cause a blockage of the film in the
Do not touch the hot surface of the machine after it has started up.
The laminating machine is not allowed – for safety reasons – to be used
by children, unless they are supervised by an adult.
Never use the machine in the open air or near water.
Hot lamination: do not laminate in this mode any materials that are
sensitive to heat with this machine, like thermo-fax paper for example.
Do not pour or spill any liquid into the machine or onto it.
10. Do not insert any metal objects into the machine. Please do not grasp
inside the machine with your fingers.
11. The laminating machine is unsuitable for constant use commercially. It is
recommended to switch off the machine for 30 minutes, after it has been
operating for a period of approximately 30 minutes.
12. The socket should be near the device and easily accessible.
Operating Instruction