Fill the water tank through the filling hole below the water tank cap.
Note: If you have hard water, it is advisable to use only distilled or demineralised
water. Also ensure that you do not use chemically softened water or scented water.
Connect the iron to a properly installed socket.
Adjust the desired temperature using the rotary temperature knob and
wait until the status LED goes out, indicating that the selected temperature
has been reached.
Move the steam switch to the desired position. (
Steam ironing)
If the ironing process is complete or you want to take a break from ironing,
please place the iron in upright position on the stand.
Disconnect the iron from the power supply. Drain the remaining water and
allow the iron to cool down completely.
Note: Steam ironing is only possible if the maximum temperature displayed on the
temperature control knob is selected. Otherwise, water can escape through the
sole plate.
Emitting a blast of steam
A blast of steam provides additional steam to remove stubborn creases.
Set the rotary temperature knob to "max" position (●●●). Wait until the
status LED goes out.
Move the iron to the desired position and press the steam button. Wait for
a few seconds till the steam penetrates the fibre before pressing the button
Note: For the best steam quality, do not use more than three consecutive blasts of
steam. The iron cools down if this function is used excessively. Make sure that the
status light is off before pressing the steam blast.
= Dry ironing;