Charger Care
Charging Your Hearing Aids
Place your hearing aids on the
charger with the earbud/earmold
pointed out over the side of the
charger, as shown. There is not a
designated right or left charging port;
your left and right hearing aid can be
placed in either port and charging will occur.
Your hearing aids will turn off automatically and begin to charge.
The LEDs corresponding to each hearing aid will remain
on for 10 seconds; an error state will remain on until the error is
• Glowing Green = Charging
• Solid Green = Fully Charged
• Blinking Red = Error State
• All four LEDs glowing in series = Turbo Charge
Your hearing aid will be completely charged in under three
It is safe to keep them in the charger after they are fully charged.
Your hearing aid will automatically power on when removed
from the charger.
Charging status of the hearing aids can be observed with two
quick taps to the top of the charger. The LEDs will turn on for
10 seconds.
Charging status of the Miracle-EarCHARGE
RIC/BTE T AV charger on-board battery can be observed with
two quick taps to the charger while there are no hearing aids
inserted. The LEDs will turn on for 10 seconds.
• 4 Solid > 75%
• 3 Solid < 75%
• 2 Solid < 50%
* If you will not be wearing your hearing aids for an extended period of time,
i.e., weeks, manually power them off by pressing the rocker switch for three seconds.
Charger Care
• 1 Solid < 25%
• 1 Blinking = Charge Low