Field of application/Function
JRGUMAT thermoblending valves are tried-and-
tested thermostatic mixing valves that are used
wherever a constant water temperature of high
controllable accuracy is required (for example,
as central mixing valves in family homes and
apartment buildings, hospitals, old-age and
nursing homes, hotels, barracks, showering
facilities at sports grounds, on commercial and
industrial premises). JRGUMAT thermoblending
valves can also be used to protect against excess
temperatures in alternative energy installations
such as solar-heating installations, log heating
systems, wood-chip heating systems, wood
pellet stoves and furnaces. Thanks to their
high controllability, JRGUMAT thermoblending
valves are also used for special applications such
as, for example, maintaining high temperatures
as regulating units.
JRGUMAT thermoblending valves are proportionally
regulating, open architecture, three-way mixing
valves. JRGUMAT thermoblending valves cannot be
used as check valves or stop valves nor can they be
used to regulate flow rates. The appropriate valves
must be installed as shown in the layout drawings.