Return to the Bushnell Golf Mobile App home page and select
"Play Now" to Start Round.
Choose a course from a list of Recent, Nearby, or Open courses. If
you are continuing a game, choose "Continue Round".
Round Name: The round can be given a custom name. Click
"Round #" and type what name you would prefer.
Date: The current day is the default "date", but changing the
date of the game can be done by clicking on the calendar
Course Name: Choose a course from a list of Recent, Nearby
or Open courses.
Score Format: Choose Stroke Play or Stableford.
Score Mode: Choose Basic or Advanced.
GPS: GPS must be enabled to view the hole layout.
Holes: Choose Front 9, Full 18 or Back 9.
First Tee Introduction: Default is Off. Turn On and add players' names.
See full explanation below.
Starting Hole: Choose the hole you are starting the round on.
Display Net Score: On or Off.
Tee Box: Tee Box information is available if net scoring is turned On.
Handicap: Enter personal handicap.
Course Handicap
1. Enable First Tee Introductions in Round Setup.
2. Tap Add Golfer to add a new player.
3. Tap Name to change a player's name.
4. Tap Speaking icon on the right of the player's name to edit the
crowd response for the player's introduction.
5. Tap Start Round at bottom of screen to begin.
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