4. Fixing stress plates
Fix the stress plates in accordance with the wind load calculation.
Use the specified fastener.
Caution: isoweld
from sunlight to prevent soiling and demage caused by UV radiation. The
24 hours.
Recommendation: Installed isoweld
the work day.
Ensure that the stress plates are dry and clean, both in storage and during and
after installation.
During installation on EPS/XPS thermal insulation or on a fibre material, an FI-Pad
must always be used.
The FI-Pad must be placed directly under the stress plate.
Check the setting depth of the stress plates (see figure below).
The stress plates must be set parallel to the surface.
Incorrectly installed stress plates adversely affect the quality of the weld.
stress plates must be stored dry, covered and protected
stress plates must not be exposed to the elements for more than
stress plates should be welded by the end of
min. 2 mm