Habermaaß game nr. 4454
Witches' Soup
A bewitched cheating game for 2 – 4 players aged 6 to 99.
Length of the game:
Today the annual witches´
meeting is taking place in
hocus pocus town: the
world's best witches
compete to prepare the
famous soup. Although all
of them insist that they will help
each other, they sometimes tell tall stories! That is why it is not always
the right mushroom which lands in the cauldron.
1 game board
(witches' kitchen with four cauldrons)
24 mushrooms
4 screens
4 colored witches´ tiles
1 cooking spoon
1 witch dice
1 salt cellar
1 magic potion
1 set of game instructions
Kai Haferkamp
Clara Suetens
ca. 15 Minuten