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Homedics sells its products with the intent that they are free of defects in manufacture and
workmanship for a period of two years from the date of original purchase, except as noted below.
Homedics warrants that its products will be free of defects in material and workmanship under
normal use and service. this warranty extends only to consumers and does not extend to retailers.
to obtain warranty service on your Homedics product, mail the product and your dated sales receipt
(as proof of purchase), postpaid, to the following address:
Homedics, inc.
service Center
dept. 168, suite 3
43155 West nine mile rd.
novi, mi 48375
no Cod's will be accepted.
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Homedics does not authorize anyone, including, but not limited to, retailers, the subsequent
consumer purchaser of the product from a retailer or remote purchasers, to obligate Homedics
HoMedics, Inc.
in any way beyond the terms set forth herein. this warranty does not cover damage caused by
misuse or abuse; accident; the attachment of any unauthorized accessory; alteration to the product;
Service Center
improper installation; unauthorized repairs or modifications; improper use of electrical/power supply;
Dept. 168, Suite 3
loss of power; dropped product; malfunction or damage of an operating part from failure to provide
43155 West Nine Mile Rd.
manufacturer's recommended maintenance; transportation damage; theft; neglect; vandalism;
Novi, MI 48375
or environmental conditions; loss of use during the period the product is at a repair facility or
otherwise awaiting parts or repair; or any other conditions whatsoever that are beyond the control
of Homedics.
this warranty is effective only if the product is purchased and operated in the country in which the
product is purchased. a product that requires modifications or adoption to enable it to operate in any
Monday - Friday
other country than the country for which it was designed, manufactured, approved and/or authorized,
8:30am - 7:00pm (EST)
or repair of products damaged by these modifications is not covered under this warranty.
tHE WarrantY proVidEd HErEin sHall BE tHE solE and EXClUsiVE WarrantY. tHErE
sHall BE no otHEr WarrantiEs EXprEss or impliEd inClUdinG anY impliEd WarrantY
oF mErCHantaBilitY or FitnEss or anY otHEr oBliGation on tHE part oF tHE CompanY
WitH rEspECt to prodUCts CoVErEd BY tHis WarrantY. HomEdiCs sHall HaVE no
liaBilitY For anY inCidEntal, ConsEQUEntial or spECial damaGEs. in no EVEnt sHall
tHis WarrantY rEQUirE morE tHan tHE rEpair or rEplaCEmEnt oF anY part or parts
WHiCH arE FoUnd to BE dEFECtiVE WitHin tHE EFFECtiVE pEriod oF tHE WarrantY.
no rEFUnds Will BE GiVEn. iF rEplaCEmEnt parts For dEFECtiVE matErials arE not
aVailaBlE, HomEdiCs rEsErVEs tHE riGHt to maKE prodUCt sUBstitUtions in liEU oF
rEpair or rEplaCEmEnt.
this warranty does not extend to the purchase of opened, used, repaired, repackaged and/or
resealed products, including but not limited to sale of such products on internet auction sites and/
or sales of such products by surplus or bulk resellers. any and all warranties or guarantees shall
immediately cease and terminate as to any products or parts thereof which are repaired, replaced,
altered, or modified, without the prior express and written consent of Homedics.
this warranty provides you with specific legal rights. You may have additional rights which may vary
from country to country. Because of individual country regulations, some of the above limitations
and exclusions may not apply to you.
For more information regarding our product line in the Usa, please visit: www.homedics.com
© 2007-2010 HoMedics, Inc. and its affiliated companies, all rights reserved. HoMedics® is a registered
trademark of HoMedics, Inc. and its affiliated companies. All rights reserved.
limitEd tWo YEar WarrantY
Almohadón Masajeador Shiatsu
Mecanismos de Masaje para los hombros y la espalda
Manual de instrucciones e
Información de garantía