1. Introduction
Thank you for buying the ET10! Read this manual carefully before bringing the device into service.
Check first if you have all the pieces: the air pump (1) & its tube, the heater (2) with thermostat and the tank,
consisting of the tank itself (3), 2 tank support pieces (4) & 3 fixation clips (5) & wires (6).
2. Assembling Instructions
First fill up the tank (3) with water to check for leaks.
1. One of the air inlets on the tank is sealed.
Connect the air pump (1) to the free air inlet by means of the plastic tube.
2. Fit the heater (2) at the side opposite the air inlet. The heater is preregulated
and set for a temperature of approx. 50°C, the optimal temperature for ferric
chloride treatment. Carefully tighten the clamping screw.
3. Install the support pieces (4) in the tank's grooves.
4. The etching tank is now ready to be used.
3. Safety
You should only remove the heater in exceptional circumstances, as it is not without danger. The glass of the heater
may crack under the influence of the difference in temperature when the warm heater comes into contact with the
cold water. There is a genuine risk of electroshocks if this happens. Therefore, you should always unplug the device
and let the heater cool before removing it. You should also make sure that your hands are dry when you're
connecting or disconnecting the device.
Take care to use this device with exactly 1litre of etching solution.
4. Operation
The air pump always has to be placed higher than the liquid level in the tank to avoid flowback.
1. Fill the tank with the desired solution : 1 to 1.5 litres, depending on the size of the circuit board.
2. Turn the heater on and let it heat up for 2 minutes.
3. Put the plastic clips (5) on the printed board, and regulate the length of the fixation wires (6). Put the board in the
tank at about 1cm under the liquid line.
4. Turn the air pump (1) on for liquid agitation.
5. Monitor the evolution of the etching. This can be done by putting a lamp behind the tank ; because the tank is
transparent, you can see what happens. At the correct temperature, this will take about 4 minutes.
6. When finished, wash away any trace of the product under running water.
7. Finally, inspect the tracks of your etched circuit.