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All manuals and user guides at
48X-20X Internal IDE
CD-ROM Drive
User's Guide



Resumen de contenidos para IBM 48X-20X

  • Página 1 All manuals and user guides at 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive User’s Guide...
  • Página 2 Appendix D, ″Product warranties and notices″ on page D-1. First Edition (September 2000) © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
  • Página 3 Appendix C. Help and service information ... C-1 Appendix D. Product warranties and notices ..D-1 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2000...
  • Página 4 All manuals and user guides at 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 5 Your feedback is valuable to us in developing products and services that are important to you, as well as in developing better ways to communicate with you. Register your option on the IBM Web site at
  • Página 6 All manuals and user guides at 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 7 Vor der Installation dieses Produkts die Sicherheitshinweise lesen. Prima di installare questo prodotto, leggere le Informazioni sulla Sicurezza. Lees voordat u dit product installeert eerst de veiligheidsvoorschriften. Les sikkerhetsinformasjonen (Safety Information) før du installerer dette produktet. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2000...
  • Página 8 Antes de instalar este produto, leia as Informações sobre Segurança. Pred inštaláciou tohto zariadenia si pečítaje Bezpečnostné predpisy. Antes de instalar este producto lea la información de seguridad. Läs säkerhetsinformationen innan du installerar den här produkten. viii 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 9 Part 1: Installation and user’s guide ® The IBM 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive can read a compact disc (CD) containing approximately 680 MB of information. It is designed for installation in a personal computer that uses the integrated drive electronics (IDE) or the enhanced IDE architecture.
  • Página 10 Keep the device in its antistatic bag until you are ready to install the drive in your computer. Limit your movements. Movement can cause static electricity buildup. v Do not force insertion of the power cable. Doing so might damage the connector or the drive. 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 11 All manuals and user guides at Front view of the drive Refer to the illustration to identify parts that might be referred to in the installation instructions. 1 Headphone jack. Plug headphones in here for audio output. 2 Volume control. Adjust this dial to control volume. 3 CD tray.
  • Página 12 Some non-IBM computers support the cable-select setting, where the position of the device on the cable determines whether a device is primary...
  • Página 13 All manuals and user guides at or secondary. See the documentation that came with your computer to determine if your computer supports this setting. Step 4. Setting the configuration jumper The illustration shows the primary 1 setting, the secondary (or slave) 2 setting, and the cable-select 3 setting.
  • Página 14 3. Reinstall the computer cover. 4. Reconnect all devices and check any devices that might have become disconnected, such as the keyboard, mouse, and monitor. 5. Connect all power cords to electrical outlets. 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 15 To see the configuration information for most IBM computers, press the F1 button during startup. When you have finished reviewing the information, save the changes and exit.
  • Página 16 Do not remove the drive cover or attempt to service the drive. v Do not operate the drive under any of the following conditions: – High temperature, high humidity, or direct sunlight 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 17 All manuals and user guides at – Excessive vibration, sudden shock, or inclined surface – Excessive dust Loading a CD To load a CD into a horizontally mounted CD-ROM drive do the following: 1. Press the Eject/Load button. The tray slides out of the drive. 2.
  • Página 18 CD in place. 3. Close the loading tray by pressing the Eject/Load button, or by gently pushing the tray in. 1-10 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 19 All manuals and user guides at Manually ejecting a CD If you press the Eject/Load button and the tray does not slide out, turn off the computer. Straighten a large paper clip to form a tool, as shown in the illustration below.
  • Página 20 If you are unable to select the CD-ROM icon or view data, see “Appendix B. Problem solving” on page B-1 or see “Appendix C. Help and service information” on page C-1 for service information. 1-12 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 21 All manuals and user guides at Chapitre 1 : Installation et utilisation L’unité de CD-ROM interne IDE 48X-20X d’IBM est capable de lire un disque compact (CD) contenant environ 680 Mo d’informations. Elle a été conçue pour s’installer dans un ordinateur personnel qui dispose de l’architecture IDE (integrated drive electronics) ou E-IDE (IDE améliorée).
  • Página 22 Baie d’unité disponible v Un des systèmes d’exploitation suivants : – Microsoft Windows 95 – Microsoft Windows 98 – Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 – Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional – Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me) 1-14 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 23 All manuals and user guides at Précautions de manipulation Afin de protéger votre périphérique lors de l’installation, observez les consignes suivantes : v Manipulez l’unité avec précaution. Si vous heurtez ou laissez tomber l’unité, vous risquez d’endommager ses composants internes. v Conservez l’unité...
  • Página 24 1. Mettez l’ordinateur hors tension, ainsi que tous les périphériques qui y sont connectés. 2. Débranchez les cordons d’alimentation de l’ordinateur, ainsi que ceux de tous les périphériques connectés. 3. Retirez le carter de l’ordinateur. 1-16 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 25 à la documentation fournie avec votre ordinateur ou avec le périphérique concerné. v Certains ordinateurs non IBM supportent le paramétrage sélection-câble dans lequel la position du périphérique sur le câble détermine si ce périphérique est primaire ou secondaire. Consultez la documentation fournie avec votre ordinateur pour déterminer s’il supporte ce paramétrage.
  • Página 26 2 et la position sélection-câble 3 . Configurez l’unité de CD-ROM en plaçant le cavalier sur le groupe de broches correspondant au paramétrage que vous avez choisi à l’étape 3. Voir «Etape 3. Sélection du port IDE» à la page 1-17. 1-18 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 27 All manuals and user guides at v Si vous configurez l’unité de CD-ROM comme périphérique primaire, positionnez le cavalier sur la position maître 1 (c’est la position définie sur l’unité telle qu’elle est livrée). Si un deuxième périphérique est présent sur le port IDE, assurez-vous qu’il est configuré...
  • Página 28 4. Raccordez tous les périphériques et vérifiez qu’aucun autre dispositif, tel que le clavier, la souris ou l’écran n’a été malencontreusement déconnecté. 5. Raccordez tous les cordons d’alimentation à leur prise de courant. 1-20 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 29 Pour examiner les informations de configuration sur la plupart des ordinateurs IBM, appuyez sur la touche F1 au moment du démarrage. Lorsque vous avez terminé, enregistrez les modifications et quittez l’utilitaire de configuration. Remarque : Certains anciens ordinateurs ne comportant qu’un seul port IDE peuvent ne pas afficher d’informations sur l’unité...
  • Página 30 Retirez le CD présent dans l’unité avant de déplacer cette dernière. v N’insérez pas d’objets étrangers dans l’unité. v Ne retirez pas le couvercle et ne tentez pas de réparer vous-même l’unité. 1-22 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 31 All manuals and user guides at v Ne faites pas fonctionner l’unité dans l’une des situations suivantes : – Température élevée, fort degré d’hygrométrie ou exposition directe aux rayons du soleil – Vibration excessive, choc violent ou surface inclinée –...
  • Página 32 CD dans le plateau et poussez doucement la languette mobile vers l’avant pour maintenir le CD en place. 3. Fermez le plateau de chargement en appuyant sur le bouton Ejection/Chargement, ou en repoussant doucement le plateau. 1-24 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 33 All manuals and user guides at Ejection manuelle d’un CD Si vous appuyez sur le bouton Ejection/Chargement et que le plateau ne sort pas, éteignez l’ordinateur. Dépliez un grand trombone, comme le montre l’illustration ci-dessous. L’extrémité dépliée doit s’étendre sur au moins 45 mm. Insérez l’extrémité...
  • Página 34 Si vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner l’icône du CD-ROM ou afficher les fichiers qu’il renferme, consultez l’annexe B, Problem solving, à la page B-1 ou reportez-vous à l’annexe C, Help and service information, à la page C-1 pour des informations de dépannage. 1-26 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 35 Descripción del producto Además de este manual, el paquete opcional incluye: v Una unidad de CD ROM IDE interna 48X-20X v Un cable de audio “Y”, un cable de audio v Cuatro tornillos de montaje (M3 x 5 mm, con ranura) v Un cable IDE para conectar dos dispositivos IDE v La guía de seguridad láser para las unidades de CD ROM...
  • Página 36 Limite sus movimientos. El movimiento puede hacer que se cree electricidad estática. v No fuerce la inserción del cable de alimentación. Si lo hace, podría dañar el conector o la unidad. 1-28 Unidad de CD ROM IDE interna 48X-20X: Guía del usuario...
  • Página 37 All manuals and user guides at Vista frontal de la unidad Consulte la ilustración para identificar las piezas a las que las instrucciones de instalación pueden hacer referencia. 1 Conector de auriculares. Conecte los auriculares aquí para la salida de audio.
  • Página 38 En algunos casos, es posible que necesite cambiar el valor de configuración de la unidad de disco duro a maestro con secundario presente al conectar un dispositivo secundario al mismo cable. Para obtener 1-30 Unidad de CD ROM IDE interna 48X-20X: Guía del usuario...
  • Página 39 Algunos sistemas que no son de IBM proporcionan soporte al valor de selección de cable, donde la posición del dispositivo en el cable determina si un dispositivo es primario o secundario. Consulte la documentación que acompaña al sistema para determinar si proporciona soporte a este valor.
  • Página 40 IDE o si sólo hay un conector de dispositivos en el cable IDE. 3. Conecte un cable de alimentación de 4 pins 3 al conector de corriente continua del dispositivo. 1-32 Unidad de CD ROM IDE interna 48X-20X: Guía del usuario...
  • Página 41 Para ver la información de configuración de la mayor parte de sistemas IBM, pulse el botón F1 durante el arranque. Cuando haya terminado de revisar la información, guarde los cambios y salga.
  • Página 42 Cuidado de la unidad de CD ROM Para proteger la unidad de CD ROM durante su funcionamiento, observe las precauciones siguientes. v Extraiga un CD de la unidad antes de moverla. 1-34 Unidad de CD ROM IDE interna 48X-20X: Guía del usuario...
  • Página 43 All manuals and user guides at v No inserte objetos extraños en la unidad. v No extraiga la cubierta de la unidad ni intente repararla. v No haga funcionar la unidad en las condiciones siguientes: – Altas temperaturas, mucha humedad o luz directa del sol –...
  • Página 44 CD en la bandeja y empuje la lengüeta móvil con suavidad hacia fuera para que mantener el CD en su lugar. 3. Cierre la bandeja de carga pulsando el botón de expulsión/carga o empujando la bandeja hacia dentro con suavidad. 1-36 Unidad de CD ROM IDE interna 48X-20X: Guía del usuario...
  • Página 45 All manuals and user guides at Expulsión de un CD manualmente Si pulsa el botón de expulsión/carga y la bandeja no se desliza hacia fuera, apague el sistema. Enderece un clip grande para formar una herramienta, como se muestra en la ilustración siguiente. El extremo enderezado debe tener por lo menos 45 mm (1,8″).
  • Página 46 Si no puede seleccionar el icono de CD ROM o ver los datos, consulte el “Apéndice B. Resolución de problemas” en la página B-1 o el “Apéndice C. Help and service information” en la página C-1 para obtener información sobre cómo repararlo. 1-38 Unidad de CD ROM IDE interna 48X-20X: Guía del usuario...
  • Página 47 Parte 1: Guida per l’utente e all’installazione ® L’unità CD-ROM con IDE interno IBM 48X-20X è in grado di leggere un CD (compact disc) che contiene circa 680 MB di informazioni. Essa è designata per l’installazione relativa ad un elaboratore che utilizza la struttura IDE (integrated drive electronics) o EIDE (enhanced IDE).
  • Página 48 Limitare i propri movimenti. Il movimento può generare elettricità statica. v Non forzare l’inserimento dei cavi di alimentazione. Operando in questo modo, è possibile danneggiare il connettore o l’unità. 1-40 Unità CD-ROM con IDE interno 48X-20X: Guida per l’utente...
  • Página 49 All manuals and user guides at Vista anteriore dell’unità Per individuare le parti che potrebbero fare riferimento alle istruzioni sull’installazione, consultare l’illustrazione. 1 Connettore per cuffie. Per l’emissione audio, collegare le cuffie in questo punto. 2 Controllo del volume. Regolare questa finestra per il controllo di volume. 3 Vassoio CD.
  • Página 50 Se è necessario collegare l’unità CD-ROM alla porta IDE primaria (la stessa porta dell’unità disco fisso o di un’altra unità veloce), utilizzare l’impostazione secondaria per l’unità CD-ROM e l’impostazione primaria per l’unità più veloce. In alcuni esempi, potrebbe essere necessario modificare 1-42 Unità CD-ROM con IDE interno 48X-20X: Guida per l’utente...
  • Página 51 Alcuni elaboratori non IBM supportano l’impostazione di selezione del cavo, dove la posizione dell’unità del cavo determina se un’unità è primaria o secondaria.
  • Página 52 3 . Utilizzare il cavo IDE fornito con questa opzione se non è presente alcun cavo collegato alla porta IDE oppure se è presente solo un connettore dell’unità sul cavo IDE dell’elaboratore. 1-44 Unità CD-ROM con IDE interno 48X-20X: Guida per l’utente...
  • Página 53 Per visualizzare le informazioni di configurazione relative alla maggior parte degli elaboratori IBM, premere il pulsante F1 durante l’avvio. Una volta terminata la visualizzazione delle informazioni, salvare le modifiche apportate ed uscire.
  • Página 54 Per ulteriori informazioni, consultare la documentazione fornita con il sistema operativo in uso. 1-46 Unità CD-ROM con IDE interno 48X-20X: Guida per l’utente...
  • Página 55 All manuals and user guides at Utilizzo e manutenzione dell’unità Questa sezione comprende le istruzioni relative alla manutenzione corretta dei CD e al funzionamento dell’unità CD-ROM. Manutenzione di un CD I CD sono strumenti a densità elevata che devono essere gestiti con cura e pulizia appropriata in modo da essere leggibili.
  • Página 56 3. Chiudere il vassoio di caricamento premendo il pulsante di espulsione/caricamento oppure esercitando una leggera pressione sul vassoio verso l’interno dell’unità. Non estrarre con forza il vassoio; non inserire oggetti esterni nel Avvertenza: vassoio del CD. 1-48 Unità CD-ROM con IDE interno 48X-20X: Guida per l’utente...
  • Página 57 All manuals and user guides at Per caricare un CD in un’unità CD-ROM fissata verticalmente, procedere nel modo seguente: 1. Premere il pulsante di espulsione/caricamento. 2. Consultare le illustrazioni e confrontarle con il vassoio di caricamento in uso. v Se il vassoio di caricamento è simile all’illustrazione a sinistra, inserire il CD con attenzione, in modo che i bordi del CD siano posizionati al di sotto della linguetta del vassoio di caricamento.
  • Página 58 Utilizzo di un CD dati E’ possibile che i CD dati contengano i file di dati, giochi o applicazioni. 1-50 Unità CD-ROM con IDE interno 48X-20X: Guida per l’utente...
  • Página 59 All manuals and user guides at Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 o Windows Me Per leggere un CD dati, procedere nel modo seguente: 1. Accendere l’elaboratore ed avviare il sistema operativo. 2. Inserire un CD dati nell’unità CD-ROM. Diversi CD di programma vengono avviati automaticamente.
  • Página 60 All manuals and user guides at 1-52 Unità CD-ROM con IDE interno 48X-20X: Guida per l’utente...
  • Página 61 Descrição do Produto Além deste manual, o pacote de opcionais inclui: v Unidade de Disco de CD-ROM IDE Interna 48X-20X v U cabo de áudio “Y” e um cabo de áudio v Quatro parafusos de montagem (M3 x 5 mm, para slot) v Um cabo IDE para a conexão de dois dispositivos IDE...
  • Página 62 Limite seus movimentos. Eles podem causar acúmulo de eletricidade estática. v Não force a inserção do cabo de alimentação. Isso pode danificar o conector ou a unidade. 1-54 Unidade de Disco de CD-ROM IDE Interna 48X-20X: Guia do Usuário...
  • Página 63 All manuals and user guides at Vista Frontal da Unidade Consulte a ilustração para identificar as partes que podem ser mencionadas nas instruções de instalação. 1 Tomada do fone de ouvido. Conecte os fones de ouvido nessa tomada para a saída de áudio.
  • Página 64 CD-ROM e a definição primária para o dispositivo mais veloz. Em alguns casos, pode ser necessário alterar a definição de configuração da unidade de disco rígido para mestre 1-56 Unidade de Disco de CD-ROM IDE Interna 48X-20X: Guia do Usuário...
  • Página 65 • Alguns computadores não-IBM suportam a definição seleção de cabo, na qual a posição do dispositivo no cabo determina se um dispositivo é primário ou secundário. Consulte a documentação que acompanha o computador para determinar se ele suporta essa definição.
  • Página 66 Normalmente, são utilizados dois parafusos de cada lado. 3. Verifique se o alinhamento está correto; em seguida, aperte os parafusos para prender a unidade. Não os aperte em excesso. 1-58 Unidade de Disco de CD-ROM IDE Interna 48X-20X: Guia do Usuário...
  • Página 67 All manuals and user guides at Etapa 6. Conectando os Cabos à Unidade Conecte os cabos à unidade de CD-ROM, conforme segue. 1. Se você tiver uma placa de áudio, localize os cabos de áudio incluídos e determine qual cabo se encaixa melhor na porta de entrada de áudio do CD na placa de áudio.
  • Página 68 Consulte a documentação que acompanha o sistema operacional para obter mais informações. 1-60 Unidade de Disco de CD-ROM IDE Interna 48X-20X: Guia do Usuário...
  • Página 69 All manuals and user guides at Utilização e Cuidados com a Unidade Esta seção inclui instruções sobre o cuidado adequado com os CDs e sobre o cuidado e a operação da unidade de CD-ROM. Cuidando de um CD CDs são mídias de alta densidade que devem ser manuseadas com cuidado e mantidas limpas para garantir que permaneçam legíveis.
  • Página 70 3. Feche a bandeja de carregamento pressionando o botão Ejetar/Carregar ou empurrando cuidadosamente a bandeja para dentro. Não force a bandeja a abrir; não insira objetos estranhos na bandeja Aviso: de CD. 1-62 Unidade de Disco de CD-ROM IDE Interna 48X-20X: Guia do Usuário...
  • Página 71 All manuals and user guides at Para carregar um CD em uma unidade de CD-ROM montada na posição vertical, faça o seguinte: 1. Pressione o botão Ejetar/Carregar. 2. Veja as ilustrações e compare-as com a sua bandeja de carregamento. v Se ela for parecida com a ilustração esquerda, insira o CD cuidadosamente de forma que suas bordas fiquem sob as presilhas na bandeja de carregamento.
  • Página 72 CDs de dados contêm arquivos de dados, jogos ou aplicativos. Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 ou Windows Me Para ler um CD de dados, faça o seguinte: 1-64 Unidade de Disco de CD-ROM IDE Interna 48X-20X: Guia do Usuário...
  • Página 73 All manuals and user guides at 1. Ligue o computador e inicie o sistema operacional, se ainda não o tiver feito. 2. Insira o CD de dados na unidade de CD-ROM. Muitos CDs de programas iniciarão automaticamente nesse ponto. Se isso não ocorrer, vá para a etapa 3.
  • Página 74 All manuals and user guides at 1-66 Unidade de Disco de CD-ROM IDE Interna 48X-20X: Guia do Usuário...
  • Página 75 2. wm ≤ pGzúA Wz { A OúTwzO α µ ¿ { A ó Xµ NH ≤Uzw ≈C 1. Ω q Ñ≤ 1,000,000 ΩTxsq (CD)C 1 MB 2. ΣñA1 KB Ñ≤ 1024 Ω xsq 1-67 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2000...
  • Página 76 ≈C ¿ n ≈iα la ≈ ñ ≤C ≈Os≤ Rq ] UñA@ XCb X w ≈ A ±Cz @C⌠N ≈e÷ PRq ú C v q u Yπ ΦV A HúijµíJq uCjµíJq u iα ≈C 1-68 í IDE ≈: ΓU 48X-20X...
  • Página 77 All manuals and user guides at ≈ H OUí≈ ≤AHKyßiH Q w í ñ U ⁿ T ΘXA b BíJ ≈C ≈í C q εC π B Φ AYi ε qC 3 CD ½LC CD ½LiN CD ⁿJ w≈ñC 4 úLⁿ...
  • Página 78 ≈ u D n B s b (master-with-secondary-present)C ÷o mW⌡ ]w ΩTA ≤qú ΣªwΘ m σ≤í C v Y D IBM tC qúiHΣ uu∩ ]wv \αAiH H ms ≤ uW m Mw m Dn mCpGz qúπ Σ u ∩ ]w \αA \H ≤zqúñ...
  • Página 79 All manuals and user guides at ≈C ÷ΩTA yBJ 3. ∩ IDE s ≡z A 1-70 ]w Dn 1 v pGznN ≈ mtm¿Dn A N⌡ m]wC(z ≈btµf ANwg z ¿ @]w)CpGb IDE s ≡Wsb mA Tw v pGznN ≈ mtm¿ n A N⌡...
  • Página 80 ¿wΘ w @ ºßA ½s z qúCq A π tm]m e π e A d\qú í σ≤AH o ÷tm w í ÷ΩTC IBM qú tmΩTA b Ynd\jh í÷U F1 ÷sCϕz ° ÷ ]wΩTºßA xs ≤Mß ⌠ °C 1-72 í IDE ≈:...
  • Página 81 All manuals and user guides at : ∩Y u @ IDE s ≡ ¼qú ÑAϕzb °tm]mΩT Ai α Σú ÷ ÷ΩTCY Obo ípUAunz w { ≈ TL Az MßiH ≈C mX {í BJ 9. w ≈ @ t A OQ w ≈...
  • Página 82 ≈A ϕ UCw ≈ºeA ² XΣñ v únNΣL½≤íJ ≈ñ v ún µε° ≈ µ ≈ A]ún KbUCú} ⌠ ñ ≈G – ¬ B¬π g ⌠ ñ Θ – g ϕ W B≡o – Lh 1-74 í IDE ≈: ΓU 48X-20X...
  • Página 83 All manuals and user guides at ⁿJ ⁿJ⌠¡w ≈A ⌡µUCBJG 1. ÷@UuhX/ⁿJv÷sC ≈ ½L 2. N mJ½LñC 3. ÷@UuhX/ⁿJv÷s ON½LV JAYi÷¼ ½LC úiHjON½L XF iHNº½íJ ½LñC 1-75 1 í≈Gw ΓU...
  • Página 84 ≈½L O¬ ñ ½LA p aíJ A² Σt ≤ⁿJ½LdΩ UΦCo ª dΩ dϕ ΣtA ≤ T mWCo dΩO ≤½LWA BOLkNΣ v pGz ½L íJ½LñAMß dΩVe XAYiN Twb T 3. ÷@UuhX/ⁿJv÷s ON½LV JAYi÷¼½LC 1-76 í IDE ≈: ΓU 48X-20X...
  • Página 85 All manuals and user guides at Γ hX pGz÷UuhX/ⁿJv÷sA²½LLkhX ²÷¼qúCpU AN@ Ow ¿@ uπC ° τ]1.8 @ íJ ≈eΦ OW Γ h ≈ 1-69 e C NOwVe JA ½L} εCp aN½L XAM ß Xz 45 mm 1.8 in ± T Yn ±...
  • Página 86 All manuals and user guides at d T{ziH ° pGzLk∩ O ° ñ Ω A y ² CD-ROM y ²C. Help and service informationz Ñσ B. Problem solvingz ≤ eHMD NΣ A ÷ΩTC 1-78 í IDE ≈: ΓU 48X-20X...
  • Página 87 XAppendix C. Help and service informationYK-\5lF$^9#;Q5]< HKEC9k0K" B-1 Z<8NXAppendix B. Problem solvingYr2H7F /@5$# Oak0K *H$N3sTe<?<,G.Wor~?7F$k+=L7F/@5$#\YK D$FO" 1-80Z<8NX79F`WoYr2H7F/@5$#hjU1rOa k0K!Npsr*I_/@5$# \Ii$VrhjU1kKO"!N9FCWrB\7F/@5$# 1. HQ9k IDE 3M/?<H"P~9k=._jMrhj7^9# 1. MB O"-1hNFLr(9lg"s 1 000 000 P$HKjv7^9# 2. KB O"G<?>w.Yr(9lg"s 1024 P$HKjv7^9# 1-79 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2000...
  • Página 88 – Microsoft Windows ® ® – Microsoft Windows NT – Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional – Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me) hj7$eNb@ hjU1fK\GP$9r]n9k?a"!NmUv`riCF/@5$# v \Ii$VO5EKhj7CF/@5$#\Ii$VrnH7?j"Wbr ?(kH"Ii$V&O&8s0btN=.tJr;}9k*=l,"j^ v \GP$9O"3sTe<?<XNhjU1`w,0;9k^G"SEI_ ^K~l?^^K7F*$F/@5$#hjU1~N0nOG.BK^(^ 9#0/3HKhCF"EE$,_Q5lkD=-,"j^9# v E;1<Vkr5}K^~7J$G/@5$#3M/?<d\Ii$Vr; }9klg,"j^9# 1-80 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 89 All manuals and user guides at \Ii$VN5L^ 3N^r2H7F"hjU1b@KPF/kFtrN'7F*$F/@5$# 1 XCI[s&8cC/# *<G#*POrT&KO"XCI[sr33K 97~sG/@5$# 2 \je<`&3sHm<k# 3N@$dkO"\je<`r4a9kNK HQ7^9# 3 CD Hl$# CD Hl$O"CD rIi$VK;CH9kNKHQ7^ 4 HQf$sG#1<?<# 3Ni$HO"\Ii$V,G<? CD rI_ hC?j"*<G#* CD rF89kH*sKJj^9# 5 soQhjP7j# $8'/H/;CH&\?s,57/n07F$J$l gK"CD Hl$r$8'/H9kNKHQ7^9# 6 $8'/H/;CH&\?s# 3N\?sr!7F"CD Hl$r+$? j"D8?j7^9# \Ii$VNXL^ 3N^r2H7F"hjU1b@KPF/kFtrN'7F*$F/@5$#...
  • Página 90 IDE ]<H, 2 D"klg"\ CD-ROM Ii$Vr"79F`&\<I+ IDE "@W?<eN;+s@j< IDE ]<HK\37^9#\ CD-ROM I i$V,;+s@j< IDE ]<HeN#lNGP$9G"klg"^9?< K_j7^9#\ CD-ROM Ii$V,;+s@j<&]<HeN 2 f\N GP$9G"klgO"9l<VK_j7^9# v \ CD-ROM Ii$VrWi$^j< IDE ]<H (O<I&G#9/^?O >Nb.GP$9H18]<H) K\37J1lPJiJ$lgO"\ CD-ROM Ii$Vr9l<VK_j7"hjb.NGP$9r^9?<K_ j7^9#lgKhCFO"181<VkeG9l<V&GP$9r\39 kH-KO<I&G#9/N=._jMrV9l<V,8_9k^9?<W KQ97J1lPJiJ$3H,"j^9#>NGP$9eGN=.8cs Q<N_jN\YKD$FO"*H$N3sTe<?<+:vNGP$9K U0NqAr2H7F/@5$# 1-82 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 91 All manuals and user guides at v ltN IBM J0N3sTe<?<GO"1<Vk*rN_jM,5]<H5 lF$kbNb"j^9#3liN3sTe<?<GO"1<VkeNGP $9NLVKhCF"=NGP$9,^9?<+9l<V+,h^j^9# *H$N3sTe<?<,3N_jMr5]<H9k+I&+N'9kK O"*H$N3sTe<?<KU0NqAr2H7F/@5$# 9FCW 4. =.8csQ<r_j9k ^GO"^9?< 1 _jM"9l<V 2 _jM"*hS1<Vk*r 3 _jMr(7F$^9#\ CD-ROM Ii$Vr=.9kKO"9FCW 3 G *r7?_jMKP~9kTsN;CHNeK8csQ<rV-^9#1-82Z< 8NX9FCW 3. IDE ]<Hr*r9kYr2H7F/@5$# v \ CD-ROM GP$9r^9?<H7F=.9klg"8csQ<r^9? < 1 K_j7^9#(\Ii$VO"PY~K3N_jKJCF$^9#) IDE ]<HeK 2 f\NGP$9,"klgO"=NGP$9,9l<VH...
  • Página 92 2. 40 Ts IDE 1<Vk&3M/?< 2 r"\Ii$VeN IDE 3M/? <K\37^9#1<Vkr"',15l?&,E;1<Vk&3M/?< 3 KGba/Jkh&KLVgo;7^9# IDE ]<HK1<Vk,\ 35lF$J$lg"^?O IDE 1<VkeKGP$9&3M/?<, 1 D7+J$lg"3N*W7gsHloKs!5l? IDE 1<VkrHQ 7^9# 3. 4 TsE;1<Vk 3 r"GP$9N DC E;3M/?<K\37^ 9FCW 7. O<I&'"NhjU1r0;9k 1. \Ii$V,7C+jHhjU1il"3M/?<,57/\35lF$k +N'7^9# 1-84 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 93 3. 3sTe<?<&+P<r5LjhjU1^9# 4. GP$9r9YFF\37"-<\<I"^&9"bK?<JI"hj07 ?D=-N"kGP$9rA'C/7^9# 5. E;3<Ir9YFE;3s;sHK\37^9# 9FCW 8. 3sTe<?<N=.r979k O<I&'"NhjU1r0;7?i"3sTe<?<rFO07^9#Lo" =.;CH"CWpshL,=(5l^9#3NhL,=(5lJ$lgO"* H$N3sTe<?<NqAr2H7F"=.^?O;CH"CW&f<F#j F#<&Wm0i`XN"/;9}!rN'7F/@5$# [HsIN IBM 3sTe<?<GO=.psr=(9kKO"O0~K F1 r !7^9#3NpsN97rN'7"Q9r]I7F*;7^9# m: IDE ]<H, 1 D7+J$?$WN3sTe<?<NfKO"=.;CH "CWpsr=(9kH-K"CD-ROM Ii$Vpsr=(7J$bN, "j^9#3Nh&Ju7Gb"hjU1,57/0;7F$kBj"\ CD-ROM Ii$VrHQG-^9# 9FCW 9. GP$9&Ii$P<r$s9H<k9k 3N;/7gsGO"HQ7F$k*Zl<F#s0&79F`Kp$F"\ CD-ROM Ii$VQNGP$9&Ii$P<N$s9H<k}!KD$Fb@ 7^9# m: f<6<KhCF"Wo,[JCF$^9#3N*Zl<F#s0&79F `NGP$9&Ii$P<_jMO+9?^$:G-^9#3N;/7gs...
  • Página 94 (lJ$G/@5$# v [3j^?OXfrhj|/KO"@i+/"1PNJ$[G CD rf{+ ioK~+CFU$F/@5$# v =LK-~7J$G/@5$# v CD r>M|wK"FJ$G/@5$# v TNN/j<J<rHQ7F CD r/j<Ks07J$G/@5$# v CD rJ2J$G/@5$# CD-ROM Ii$VNj~l 0nfN CD-ROM Ii$Vr]n9k?aK"J<NmUv`riCF/@5 v Ii$Vr\09k0K"CD rIi$V+ihjP7F/@5$# v Ii$VK[*r^~7J$G/@5$# v Ii$V&+P<rhj07?j"Ii$Vr]i7h&H7J$G/@5 v !NINroNbHGbIi$VrT07J$G/@5$# 1-86 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 95 All manuals and user guides at – b9"b>Y"^?O>M|w – aYN60"^cJWb"^?O9$?L – aYN[3j CD N;CH #KhjU1il? CD-ROM Ii$VK CD r;CH9kKO"!Nh&K 7F/@5$# 1. $8'/H/;CH&\?sr!7^9#Hl$,Ii$V+i9i$I7F PF-^9# 2. CD r CD Hl$KiYkreK~1F^~7^9# 3. $8'/H/;CH&\?sr!9+"Hl$r=CH!7~lF"CD Hl $r D8^9# M8v`: Hl$r5}K+3&H7J$G/@5$#CD Hl$K[*r^ ~7J$G/@5$# 1-87 Q<H 1: $s9H<k*hSf<6<:&,$I...
  • Página 96 1. $8'/H/;CH&\?sr!7^9# 2. ^r+F"*H$N CD Hl$HfS7F/@5$# v *H$N CD Hl$,8N^KwF$klgO"CD No, CD Hl$ eN?VNb&KJkh&K CD r5EK^~7^9#3liNWi9A C/N?VO CD Nor$$"jjNLVK]}7^9#?VOHl$+ NKhjU1ilF*j"\09k3HOG-^;s# v *H$N CD Hl$,&N^KwF$klgO" CD rHl$K^~ 7"\0D=J?Vr0}K=CH!7F CD rjjNLVK]}7^ 3. $8'/H/;CH&\?sr!9+"Hl$r=CH!7~lF"CD Hl $rD8^9# 1-88 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 97 All manuals and user guides at CD rj0GhjP9 $8'/H/;CH&\?sr!7F"Hl$,9i$I7FPF3J$lg O"3sTe<?<NE;rZCF/@5$#g?N/jCWr^C90K-P 7F"<^K(9h&JD<kK7^9#^C90K-P7?<O"/J/Hb 45 mm O-SF$k,W,"j^9#-P7?<rIi$VN0LK"kso QhjP7jK^~7^9 (1-81 Z<8NX\Ii$VN5L^Yr2 H 7F/ @5$ )#Hl$,+/^G"/jCWrjK!7~l^9#CD rhjP;k h&KJk^G"Hl$r =CHz-P7^9# 45 mm 1.8 in *<G#* CD NF8 *<G#* CD rF89kKO"*H$N3sTe<?<K*<G#* CD W m0i`r$s9H<k7F*/,W,"j^9#Windows 98"Windows Me"Windows NT"*hS Windows 2000 "Wj1<7gsKO"*<G#* CD Wl$d<&Wm0i`,H_~^lF$^9# *<G#*F8=UH&'"NHQ!KD$F\7/O"*H$N*Zl<F# s0&79F`^?O3sTe<?<KU0NqAr2H7F/@5$#...
  • Página 98 2. G<? CD r CD-ROM Ii$VK^~7^9#?/NWm0i` CD O"3N~@G+0*K+O5l^9#CD ,+0*K+O5lJ$lg O"9FCW 3 KJ_^9# 3. V^$ 3sTe<?Wr@Vk/jC/7^9# 4. VCD-ROMW"$3s,=(5lk3HrN'7^9# 5. VCD-ROMW"$3sr@Vk/jC/7^9# 6. CD eNU!$kr=(G-k3HrN'7^9# VCD-ROMW"$3sr*r9k+"G<?r=(9k3H,G-J$lgO" B-1 Z<8NXAppendix B. Problem solvingYr2H9k+" C-1 Z<8N XAppendix C. Help and service informationYG5<S9psr2H7^9# 1-90 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 99 Changing the Windows 2000 desktop device driver To change the Windows 2000 desktop device driver, follow these steps: 1. Click Start-->Settings-->Control Panel. 2. Double-click System. 3. Click the Hardware tab. 4. Click the Device Manager button. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2000...
  • Página 100 8. Select the Transfer Mode pull-down and select DMA if available. 9. Click OK. 10. Click Close to close the System Properties window. A message displays, informing you that the system settings have changed. 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 101 IDE port on the system board. If it is, remove the connector and reattach the cable correctly. The middle port is used only if you are connecting two devices to the IDE port. If there are two devices on the IDE port, attach the © Copyright IBM Corp. 2000...
  • Página 102 On the General tab, under Device Status, there is a statement that indicates whether that controller is working properly. Click OK to return to the Device Manager tab in the System Properties window. 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 103 All manuals and user guides at 6. Check to see if there is a conflict between devices by doing the following: a. In the System Properties window, double-click CD-ROM to list the available devices, and click to select one from the list. b.
  • Página 104 IDE port. Set the mode to Compatible for the port on which you installed your CD-ROM drive. Other IBM and non-IBM computers might have similar settings. Check to see if your BIOS or configuration-setup utility provides for compatible and high performancemodes for IDE performance.
  • Página 105 All manuals and user guides at v Adjust the audio-adapter volume control. See the documentation that comes with your sound adapter and audio-CD player program. v Turn off the computer, unplug the cables from the electrical outlets for your computer and all attached devices, and remove the computer cover.
  • Página 106 Molex 70066-G connector. (See “Back view of the drive” on page 1-3 to locate the audio connector.) If you are using an IBM computer or IBM audio adapter, refer to “Appendix C. Help and service information” on page C-1 for assistance.
  • Página 107 During the warranty period, assistance for replacement or exchange of defective components is available. In addition, if your IBM option is installed in an IBM computer, you might be entitled to service at your location. Your technical support representative can help you determine the best alternative.
  • Página 108 HelpCenter phone list on the IBM support Web page at If the number is not provided, contact your IBM reseller or IBM marketing representative. Response time may vary depending on the number and nature of the calls received.
  • Página 109 Country-unique Terms.The terms of Part 2 may replace or modify those of Part 1.The warranties provided by IBM in this Statement of Warranty apply only to Machines you purchase for your use, and not for resale, from IBM or your reseller. The term ″Machine″ means an IBM machine, its features, conversions, upgrades, elements, or accessories, or any combination of them.
  • Página 110 If a Machine does not function as warranted during the warranty period, and IBM or your reseller are unable to either 1) make it do so or 2) replace it with one that is at least functionally equivalent, you may return it to your place of purchase and your money will be refunded.
  • Página 111 All manuals and user guides at Warranty Service To obtain warranty service for the Machine, contact your reseller or IBM. In the United States, call IBM at 1-800-772-2227. In Canada, call IBM at 1-800-565-3344. (In Toronto, call 416-383-3344.) You may be required to present proof of purchase.
  • Página 112 All manuals and user guides at IBM is responsible for loss of, or damage to, your Machine while it is 1) in IBM’s possession or 2) in transit in those cases where IBM is responsible for the transportation charges.
  • Página 113 If a Machine does not function as warranted during the warranty period, and IBM or your reseller are unable to either 1) make it do so or 2) replace it with one that is at least functionally equivalent, you may return it to your place of purchase and your money will be refunded.
  • Página 114 All manuals and user guides at which IBM is not responsible. The warranty is voided by removal or alteration of Machine or parts identification labels. THESE WARRANTIES ARE YOUR EXCLUSIVE WARRANTIES AND REPLACE ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR...
  • Página 115 IBM or your reseller of changes in a Machine’s location. IBM is responsible for loss of, or damage to, your Machine while it is 1) in IBM’s possession or 2) in transit in those cases where IBM is responsible for the transportation charges.
  • Página 116 Specified Operating Environment, improper maintenance by you, or failure caused by a product for which IBM is not responsible. Limitation of Liability: The following is added to this Section: Where IBM is in breach of a condition or warranty implied by the Trade Practices Act 1974, IBM’s liability is limited to the repair or replacement of the goods or the...
  • Página 117 Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 or other legislation which cannot be excluded or limited. The Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 will not apply in respect of any goods which IBM provides, if you require the goods for the purposes of a business as defined in that Act.
  • Página 118 EGYPT: Limitation of Liability: The following replaces item 2 in this Section: 2. as to any other actual direct damages, IBM’s liability will be limited to the total amount you paid for the Machine that is the subject of the claim.
  • Página 119 ITALY: Limitation of Liability: The following replaces the second sentence in the first paragraph: In each such instance unless otherwise provided by mandatory law, IBM is liable for no more than: (item 1 unchanged) 2) as to any other actual damage arising in all situations involving non-performance by IBM pursuant to, or in any way related to the subject matter of this Statement of Warranty, IBM’s liability, will be limited to the total amount you paid for the...
  • Página 120 The following replaces the second paragraph of this Section: Unless otherwise provided by mandatory law, IBM and your reseller are not liable for any of the following: (items 1 and 2 unchanged) 3) indirect damages, even if IBM or your reseller is informed of their possibility.
  • Página 121 IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
  • Página 122 Actual results may vary. Users of this document should verify the applicable data for their specific environment. Trademarks The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: PS/2 HelpCenter Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
  • Página 123 Properly shielded and grounded cables and connectors must be used in order to meet FCC emission limits. Proper cables and connectors are available from IBM authorized dealers. IBM is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by using other than recommended cables and connectors or by unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment.
  • Página 124 Directive 89/366/ECC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility. IBM can not accept responsibility for any failure to satisfy the protection requirements resulting from a non-recommended modification of the product, including the fitting of non-IBM option cards.
  • Página 125 Directiva 89/336/CEE en lo que a la legislatura de los Estados Miembros sobre compatibilidad electromagnética se refiere. IBM no puede aceptar responsabilidad alguna si este producto deja de satisfacer dichos requisitos de protección como resultado de una modificación no recomendada del producto, incluyendo el ajuste de tarjetas de opción que no sean IBM.
  • Página 126 All manuals and user guides at D-18 48X-20X Internal IDE CD-ROM Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Página 127 All manuals and user guides at
  • Página 128 All manuals and user guides at Part Number: 71P7279 Printed in the United States of America on recycled paper containing 10% recovered post-consumer fiber. *71P7279*...