3. Upper Arms(Parameter setting suggestions)
Duration: 20 minutes
Energy level: between 3-7
1. Wipe the treatment area
2. Apply the gel evenly to
with a wet towel.
4. Move the head in small
5. Wipe the treatment area.
circles on upper arm
(5 minutes each right/left side).
Mode: continuous working mode
3. Move from elbow towards
the treatment area.
underarm or outside of upper arm
(5 minutes each right/left side).
Treatment frequency recommended
Operate 3-4 times a week, leave an interval of 1 day between treatments (stop the
treatment during menstruation). During the treatment period, try to avoid high-calorie food
and cooperate with moderate exercise to achieve better results! In the later stage, operate
once in 3-5 days for consolidation!