19. No utilice ningún punto de fijación que no sean los descritos en las instrucciones e indicados
en la silla de seguridad.
20. En caso de accidente, aunque no haya daños aparentes, la silla puede resultar insegura. Se
recomienda que el dispositivo se cambie cuando haya sido sometido a tensiones violentas.
21. El fabricante garantiza la calidad de sus productos, pero no la calidad de los productos de
segunda mano u otras marcas.
22. Las ilustraciones de las instrucciones son meramente informativas. El sistema de retención
infantil puede presentar pequeñas diferencias respecto a las fotografías o imágenes del manual
de instrucciones. Estas variaciones no afectan a su homologación por la Reglamento ECE R129.
23. Debe asegurarse que cualquier cinta o cinturón que sujeta al niño no quede ni doblada ni
retorcida y quede tensa.
24. Consulte el manual de su vehículo para comprobar la compatibilidad con sistemas de
retención infantil "i-Size".
1. Under no circumstances should the car seat be installed in the car's passenger seat opposite
the direction of travel if there is an active airbag.
2. This car seat provides optimal safety in all installation positions for which it was designed.
3. This is an i-Size booster Enhanced Child Restraint System (100-150cm). It is approved
according to ECE R129, for use in i-Size compatible seats, as indicated by the manufacturer
in the car owner's manual. If you have questions, please consult either the Enhanced Child
Restraint System manufacturer or the distributer.
4. This is an 'i-Size Universal' child restraint system, approved pursuant to European ECE R129,
for its general use in cars, although it is not suitable for all cars.
5. It should be installed in cars for which the manufacturer states in its car owner's manual
that the vehicle is suitable for an 'i-Size Universal' child restraint system for this age range.
6. Ensure that the abdominal belt or strap rests as low as possible over the child's hips, on
both sides.
7. Please read the instructions carefully, as incorrect installation could result in serious injury.
In this case, the manufacturer shall not be held liable.
8. The product has been approved pursuant to European regulation ECE R129 and can be used
for heights between 100 and 150 cm.
9. Please never use the safety seat without its cover.
10. Fastening a child dressed in outerwear can reduce the efficiency of the restraint system.
11. Make sure to protect the child safety seat from direct sunlight as it could heat up and hurt
the child.
12. Replace child seats or harness accessories that are damaged or have been used incorrectly.