The term REGISTRATION means saving the configuration of the complete panel configuration. Substantially, all the
main settings of the instruments, including the settings of the Styles, sounds, 2 effects microphone inputs, effects
and Midi settings may all be saved in a Registration. In this way, at home you may prepare and save even very detailed
configurations for special musical requirements you need for your performance. During the performance you can quickly
load them without losing time.
The instruments provides 4 banks each of which may be used to save up to 1024 Registrations. To load the banks, simply
press the REGISTR. key on the Front Panel of the instrument. Select one of the 4 banks and the Registration of your
choice with the Touch Screen on the following window that is displayed. To save your Registration simply press the Save
key on the panel and then select REGISTRATION on the dialogue window displayed.
As previously mentioned, when you save a Registration, all the settings of the panel will be saved, with no exception.
When loading a Registration, however, you may filter a number of its parameters so that they do not affect the other
settings of the panel which you wish to leave unvaried. This block is enabled only in load mode but not in save mode.
To set this filter simply press the MENU key on the panel and then select REGISTRATION SETUP on the display.