2.6.4. Reach RS2/RS2+ debe tener una visión clara del cielo
Antes de realizar la medición, asegúrese de que su Reach tiene una vista despejada del
cielo de al menos 30 grados sobre el horizonte. No debe haber obstáculos que puedan
bloquear la vista, como edificios, árboles, coches, personas, ordenadores portátiles, etc.
Tip: Obtenga más información sobre la configuración de Reach en la guía Colocación.
2.7. Placing the base
Real-Time Kinematic technique requires 2 receivers. One of them is stationary and is called
"base station", the other one is "rover". The base station measures errors, and knowing that
it is stationary transmits corrections to the rover. Sometimes CORS and NTRIP networks
take the place of traditional base stations. They provide accurate absolute position and
send corrections over the internet. Typically the distance between the reference station and
the local rover shouldn't exceed 10-15 km due to the ionospheric effect. So if the reference
station is located too far or simply is absent in the area you will need a local base station.
Other advantages of your own base are independence from the internet connection and
lack of NTRIP subscription fees.
If you are setting up your own base it is important to pay attention to this article. A good
understanding of different ways to set up the base will help you to reach the desired
accuracy for your application.
2.7.1. Absolute and relative position
Emlid Flow has several ways to determine or set the base station position providing various
levels of accuracy. Let's take a look at the illustration below (figure 1). RTK algorithm
precisely calculates the distance between the base and the rover. This distance is called
the Baseline. The Rover position is precisely determined relative to the Base position. At
the same time, the rover coordinates offset from the real location depends on the position
accuracy of the base. If the position that has been set in the base station is different from