Dos. +/-
Med. A-Z
Med. Z-A
Dos. +/-
Dos. 055
Dos. 089
4.4 Option: Back to the main menu
To switch to the main menu, select the Menu option.
To do this, press the button repeatedly until the cursor
is next to [Menu] flashes.
Then keep the button pressed for more than 2
seconds to return to the main menu
4.5 Option: change dosage
You can change the dosage or the time by selecting the
Dosage option.
To do this, press the button repeatedly until the cursor
is next to [Dos. +/-] flashes.
Then keep the button pressed for more than 2
seconds to get to the setting of the dosage.
The dosage determines the number of repetitions of the
energetic light pattern and is adjustable in 9 steps (in a
Fibonacci sequence of 5; 8; 13; 21; 34; 55; 89; 144; 233
x10 repetitions). The device automatically calculates the
time based on the light sequence and shows it on the
Briefly press the button to increase the dosage by one
level at a time and then start again at the first level.
Save new dosage:
Hold the button down for more than 2 seconds to
save the new dosage.
Exit setting without making any changes:
If no button is pressed within 30 seconds, the device
returns to the application without any changes.
4.6 Option: switch off
To do this, press the button repeatedly until the cursor
is next to [Shutdown] flashes.
Then press and hold the button for more than 2
seconds to switch off the device.