About reversingthe door.
Reversing the Door
Tools needed
• Standard#2
• Tape-tipped
Phillipsscrewdriver puttyknife
• Needle-nosed
[_ Open the door and remove the fillet plugs opposite the hinges. With tile door
_ompletely open, remove the botton_ s{rewfiom earl1 hinge on tlle &yer thee. Insert
these s_rews about halfway into the TOPholes, fi)r eadl hinge, on the opposite side
(where you removed the fillet plugs). Apply firm pressure to get the s_rew started in
top screw iiom each hinge on the &ver filce halfwav. With one hand holding
the top of the door and the othei hand hokfing the bottom_ remove the door fiom tile
&yer by lifting it UPand OUT
[_ Rotate the door 180° . Insert it on the opposite side of the opening bv moving the door
/Nand DOWN until the top hinge and the bottOln hinge are resting im the top screws
inserted in step 1.
_] Remove dmfemaining
screws flom tlle side of tile opening fiom which the door was
removed. "v\.ith these s_rm_s secure ea(h hinge at tile bottom. Tighten the two top
screws of each hinge. Reinsert the plastic plugs on the side flom which the door was