Assembly Instructions
3. Simultaneously pull the Latches (C3) outward
and snap the Low-Pro assembly firmly down onto
your bucket so that the gasket is compressed.
Then push the Latches inward and ensure that
they are under the lip of the bucket [FIG. 3]. The
latch Screw (C1) can be adjusted to better tighten
the latches to the lip of the bucket.
Note: It's normal for the Low-Pro to fit loosely but
it will seal firmly shut under vacuum pressure.
4. Connect the Low-Pro's (A) top outlet port to your
vacuum with Hose (D) and Elbow (E) as shown
in [FIG. 3].
Connect the Low-Pro's side inlet port to your
tool with your vacuum's hose [FIG. 3].
Note: Both ports accept standard 2.5" hose cuffs
(OD ≈ 2.25").
To vacuum
FIG. 3
To Tool
FIG. 4
Assembly Instructions
5. Review [FIG. 5] for common air leak points.
To empty your bucket, lift up on the Latches (C3)
and lift up the Low-Pro Assembly.
Installation is complete!
Note: Any air leak will affect separation
performance. Make sure to check your dust drum
frequently so you do not overfill it.
Leak Point
Optional Grounding Instructions
Recommended for fine dust situations or
electronically sensitive applications.
6. Install the Metal Tape (F) to the Lid Separator (A)
so that the inlet, outlet, and flange are attached by
a continuous, conductive path as shown in [FIG
6a]. The Metal Tape should wrap 1/4" around the
edge of each opening.
Note: For added grounding, attach a self-
supplied wire with a ring terminal on one
end and a washer tied to the other end when
installing one of the latches in step 2. The wire
must be long enough for the washer to lie on the
floor [FIG 6b].
FIG. 6a
Leak Point
Leak Point
FIG. 5
FIG. 6b