Green Led ON, Amp Led ON, all
other Leds OFF, no air flow once
torch trigger is pressed.
Green Led ON, Amp Led ON,
all other Leds OFF, air flows once
torch trigger is pressed. Torch
doesn't strike the arc.
Torch has pilot arc but does not
Shield cup not properly installed
on torch.
Faulty Torch Switch or Parts
Assembly in torch holder.
Faulty Main PC Board
Faulty torch parts
Faulty Main PC Board
Work lead not connected.
AC input power too low.
Faulty Main PC Board
77611911 - GB
Check that shield cup isfully seated
against torch.
Refer to Maintenance paragraph.
Repair / Replace Power Supply.
Inspect torch parts and replace if
Repair / Replace Power Supply.
Make sure work lead is connected
securely to bare metal.
Use shortest distance to breaker
panel possible.
Repair / Replace Power Supply.