Performance is the ultimate test of success
for any cartridge design. Frequency response
and trackability specifications are two of the
most important indicators of successful high-
fidelity performance.
Frequency response demonstrates the ac-
curacy of reproduction of tones across the en-
tire audible spectrum.
A flat frequency
response displays a cartridge's ability to
reproduce all sounds without emphasis or at-
tenuation. The tonal balance of low, mid, and
high pitched sounds are reproduced exactly as
they were recorded.
Trackability measures the ability of a stylus,
at a given tracking force, to maintain contact
with both groove walls while negotiating the
tortuous peaks, valleys, and hairpin turns of to-
day's heavily modulated record groove. A car-
tridge must allow the stylus tip t o stay in firm
contact with the groove walls t o produce clear,
clean, undistorted sound, and t o prevent
record groove damage that permanently alters
and distorts the sound.