market. To adjust the grind size, use precision scales
to measure the exact weight. Whenever making grin-
ding adjustments, always remember not to consider
two double doses (about 30 grams) because they may
contain an amount of ground coffee from the previous
setting. Once the coffee has been pressed, check that
the extraction time is as required and proceed to adjust
the times of the programmed doses (see section 9.5).
To adjust the grind:
Press the grinders locking lever and turn the ring in the
desired direction (see figure F11).
Once correct adjustment has been set, release the pin
to lock the adjustment. Always check that it is locked
before starting the appliance. Adjustments must be
made with the motor turned off and with no coffee
between the grinders. "+" indicates the direction of ro-
tation to increase the grind size of the coffee. "-" indica-
tes the direction for decreasing the grind size.
Micrometric adjustment
Turn the adjustment knob to change the grind size
of the coffee. Micrometric adjustment does not need
locking. Adjust grinding with the motor running if there
is coffee between the grinders, and with the motor swi-
tched off if there is no coffee. The "+" symbol indicates
the direction of rotation to increase the grind size of the
coffee; "- " is the direction for decreasing the grind size.
A metal plate, with both sides engraved, is placed on
the toothed ring, offering the option to select a sym-
bolic adjustment (see figure F12) or a numerical setting
(see figure F13).
It is also advisable to grind and use a few grams of
coffee each time the grind size is changed; this proce-