Fixing the fan in hanging position
The fan can be operated either on its support feet or in hanging position, as shown in the picture below.
Control panel operation
1. Press "ON": ON, the fan working, LED display 6(Mid speed) and
display battery level.
2. Press "OFF": OFF.
3. Press "+" to increase the fan speed, the highest is 9. (High speed)
4. Press "-" to reduce the fan speed, the lowest is 1. (Low speed)
5. Power saving mode
When the fan speed is greater than 6 and the battery is about
10%, it automatically drops to 6 (Mid speed). At this time, the
power saving mode is entered and the battery is displayed as
" ", it needs to be charged.
In the power saving mode, pressing "+" cannot adjust fan speed
over 6. Only the battery is reached to first level, show as " ",
then could set fan speed normally.