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ROBBE 8492 Manual De Uso página 8


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Operating Instructions
Top Equalizer 6S 300mA
4. Charge settings
Before the charge process is started, the charge
current and the cell count must be set correctly
on the Lithium charger itself.
The maximum charge current which the Top
Equalizer can process is 10 Amps.
5. Charge / equalize procedure
• Start the charge process on the Lithium
• By connecting the charge and voltage sen-
sor lead you switch the unit to "Individual
mode". Press the "Mode" button to com-
plete the connection to the charger. The
"monitor LED" now responds with a series
of single rhythmic flashes to indicate that
"Connection mode" is invoked.
• The Check-LEDs for the outputs to which
cells are connected flash three times to con-
firm the cell count.
• The Equalizer now measures the voltage of
the individual cells. If the cell voltages differ,
the unit reduces the charge current fed to
the cell(s) whose voltage is higher. It conti-
nues to do this over the course of the charge
process, thereby equalizing the pack, i.e.
bringing the voltage of the individual cells to
the same level.
• To indicate which cell is currently being pro-
cessed by the Top Equalizer, the "Check-
LED" assigned to that cell glows. The LED
may light up briefly or for a longer time,
according to the magnitude of the cell vol-
tage difference.
6. Charge termination
• The Lithium charger switches off the charge
process when the battery reaches the pre-
set final charge voltage.
• In most cases the cells are equalized accu-
rately while the charge process is under way.
If this is the case, you will see that the
Check-LEDs only flash sporadically.
The charging and equalizing process is
now complete.
• The Lithium battery should be disconnected
from the Top Equalizer soon after the charge
process is terminated. If you do not do this,
the unit will continue to equalize the cells,
No. 8492
7. Description of the equalizing process and
and this discharges them slightly.
the Check-LED indicators
The flashing rhythm of the Check-LEDs is an
excellent guide to the voltage of the cells in the
LED off:
Cell with the lowest voltage in the pack.
LED flashing:
Cell voltage differs only slightly from the cell
with the lowest voltage.
LED lights up for a long time, or continuously:
Cell voltage differs significantly from that of the
lowest cell.
• After the charge process has been termina-
ted it is possible that individual Check-LEDs
will continue to flash sporadically, but this
will only occur in the case of high-capacity
batteries, and / or packs with serious voltage
differences. If you switch the Top Equalizer
to "Individual mode" (by pressing the Mode
button), the battery can be left connected to
the unit. In this mode the unit continues to
equalize (balance) the pack by discharging
the individual cells as required.
• In extreme cases - defective cell, very high
battery capacity, substantial voltage diffe-
rence between individual cells - the equali-
zing function may not come to a halt even in
Individual mode. If this should occur, the Top
Equalizer will prevent the cells becoming
deep-discharged by switching automatically
to current-saving mode when any one cell
falls to 2.75 Volts. In this case the battery
should be recharged again as soon as pos-
If you do not switch to "Individual mode" by
pressing the Mode button after switching the
Lithium charger off, the unit starts to equalize
the individual cells by discharging them, even
when left in "Connection mode".
Operating Instructions
Top Equalizer 6S 300mA
However, the unit will only switch from "Con-
nection mode" to "Current-saving mode" if it
detects a low-voltage situation.
The equalizing process continues to operate
until one cell of the battery pack falls to a vol-
tage of 3 Volts; at that juncture the unit is forced
to switch to "Individual mode".
The Equalizer switches to "Current-saving
mode", at that point or - at the latest - when one
cell falls to a voltage of 2.75 Volts.
The requirement to switch manually to Indivi-
dual mode is a deliberate feature, as it allows
the Top Equalizer to be used in conjunction with
the widest possible variety of Lithium chargers.
If you wish to interrupt the process while the Lit-
hium charger is charging the battery via the
Equalizer, pressing the Mode button is equiva-
lent to disconnecting the battery. However,
please do not press the button repeatedly at
short intervals.
Lithium chargers are usually very slow to detect
whether a battery is connected or not. The up /
down converter cannot react quickly enough to
swift button-presses, with the result that you
could burn out the Top Equalizer's fuse.
8. Equalizing without a Lithium charger
Of course, the Equalizer is also capable of
equalizing a battery without a Lithium charger
connected. This is the procedure:
• Insulate the plugs on the Lithium charger
connecting leads to avoid short-circuits.
• Connect the voltage sensor lead and the Lit-
hium battery's charge lead to the Equalizer.
• The Top Equalizer starts in "Individual
mode", and the Check-LEDs flash to indi-
cate the cell count of the pack connected to
The device will now equalize the battery until
the voltage of all the cells is identical, before
switching to "Current-saving mode".
No. 8492
9. Over-voltage cut-of
For reasons of safety the Top Equalizer also
monitors the maximum charge voltage of each
cell, and breaks off the charge process as soon
as any one cell reaches a voltage of 4.3 Volts. In
most cases this will also result in an error mes-
sage on the screen of the Lithium charger.
This reliably prevents the battery being over-
charged if you accidentally set the wrong cell
count on the Lithium charger.
10. Status query
In "Current-saving mode" you can call up the
status of the Top Equalizer by pressing the
Mode button.
11. Meaning of the flashing LED error sequen-
monitor LED
Off =
Current-saving mode, or no battery
Continuous light = Individual mode.
The Equalizer is not connected to the Lithium
Single rhythmic flashing = Connection mode.
The Equalizer is connected to the Lithium charger.
(Flashing sequence lasts about ten seconds)
Double rhythmic flashing = Over-voltage: the
voltage of one cell is higher than 4.3 Volts; the
corresponding Check-LED for that cell also
Triple rhythmic flashing = Low voltage: the vol-
tage of one cell is lower than 2.2 Volts, or a
short-circuit is present; the corresponding
Check-LED for that cell also flashes.
Quadruple rhythmic flashing = Voltage sensor
connection defective.
Red / green monitor LEDs:
LEDs flash three times (only the LEDs to which
cells are connected) = cell count check.
LEDs flash five times (only the LEDs to which
cells are connected) = Equalizing process com-

