The basic setting
1. EN- Reset to Defaults
DE- Auf Standard zurücksetzen
FR- Réinitialiser aux valeurs par défaut
IT- Ripristina impostazioni predefinite
ES- Restablecer a los valores predeterminados
PT- Restablecer a los valores predeterminados
2. EN- Fast pairing
DE- Schnelles Pairing
FR- Appairage rapide
IT- Accoppiamento veloce
ES- Emparejamiento rápido
PT- Emparelhamento rápido
3. EN- Channel setting
DE- Kanaleinstellung
FR- Réglage de canal
IT- Impostazione del
ES- Configuración de canal
PT- Configuração de canalual
The scanner and terminal provide 21 channels to avoid mutual interference
The setting steps of channels:
1.Set the channel of the terminal,and wait for the scanner to receive a response after the
setting is completed;
2.Set the channel ofthe scanner,please make sure that the set channel is accorded with the
channel of the terminal.