Wash Cycle
The wash cycle controls
the length
of the washing
The chart
below will help you match
the wash cT,_le setting
with ?_ur clothing.
co'rroNs REGULARForheawto liqhtlysoiledcottons,hmJsehold lil_ens,
work andplayclothes
PERMANENTPRESSForeasycareandwrinkle-resistal_t items
RNIT$ Specially designed for normalsoilknits
AUTONANBWASR Forlingerie al_d special-care l abricswith lightsoils
Select H NNDWNSHferloadsizeandfor cycle
Provides p eriods ofagitationandsoakduringwash
AUTOSOAR Forheavily soiledclothes Beginswith a briefagitatiolt,
soaksfor a specified periodof time,thenmoves
throughthe restof thecycleautomatically
PREWASN For heavily soiledclothesor for clothes with a carelabel
that recommends prewashiog b eforewearing
POWER WASH For heavily soiledandheavy-duty fabdcsThiscycle
plevidee a longer agitation
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