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CF GROUP CF 600 Manual De Instrucciones página 118

Robot limpiafondos de piscinas


• Prilikom vađenja čistača iz bazena, držite čistač za ručku, nemojte povlačiti kabel.
IV. InstrucCons for use
• Gumb za napajanje:
1. Power buJon: press it long (3S): start-up/shutdown.
Dugi pritisak (3 sekunde) --> pokretanje/isključivanje.
Kratki pritisak (nakon pokretanja) --> stanje pripravnosti / automatski rad.
Indikator pozadinskog osvjetljenja:
Uvijek uključeno --> stanje pripravnosti.
2. Bluetooth buJon: it is used with APP, press the buJon and hold for 3S, and connect with the
Sporo treperenje --> automatski rad.
Treperenje --> greška.
Status of the backlight indicator light: When matching, the indicator light flashes for 1s, ager the
• Bluetooth gumb:
connec7on, it is always on.
Koristi se s APP-om, pritisnite tipku i držite 3 sekunde, te se povežite s Bluetooth-om uz
pomoć korisničkog imena i lozinke koju je poslala APP.
Status indikatora pozadinskog osvjetljenja: prilikom uparivanja, svjetlo indikatora treperi 1
sekundu. Nakon povezivanja uvijek je uključeno.
8. Operate the machine by connec7ng Bluetooth and using the APP.
9. Working environment temperature: 0~+40℃.
Press it short: (ager startup) standby/automa7c opera7on.
Status of its backlight indicator light: standby-always on.
Automa7c opera7on-breathing
Fault status-flashing
Bluetooth according to the user name and password sent by APP.
3. Clean the filter box
Ager cleaning is completed, take out the cleaner from the swimming pool, press the
buJon at the tail, the upper cover will automa7cally bounce off, lig the upper cover, take
out the filter box, pour out the sundries inside it and rinse the filter box with water.



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