5. While Master JOIN LED blinks red, press the
Connect button until JOIN is selected on all
JOIN speakers you want to add to the cluster.
You will have only 10 seconds for this step.
6. When all JOIN speakers are accepted into the
cluster, their LED will turn to constant RED.
7. Once all of the cluster JOIN LEDS are solid
red, power off all of the JOIN speakers.
8. Power on the HOST speaker and put it in
HOST mode, by clicking the Connect button.
Connect BT audio or AUX to play back music
on the HOST speaker.
9. Power on JOIN speakers in the cluster and
put these in JOIN mode. All speakers are now
playing music from the HOST. The volume
on all JOIN speakers can be controlled from
any of the JOIN speakers in the cluster, the
3 click function of the BOND button is also
shared amongst the cluster to mute all JOIN
The Bond button on the Master JOIN speaker
has the same click function as described above.
The HOST speaker volume is controlled by its
own and is isolated from the cluster. To cancel
cluster mode on a unit repeat step 4. Wait for
solid red, then 6 click the Bond button