F. Diode Test
1. Connect the red test lead to + terminal and the black test lead to
-COM terminal.
2. Select the rotary switch to one of positions:x1 (150mA), x10
(15mA), x100 (1,5mA), 1k (150µA).
3. Make the zero adjustment in the selected range, as in Resistance
4. In the case of measuring a diode in a circuit, turn off the power
and discharge all capacitors before connecting the test leads.
5. Touch the black test lead in the diode anode and the red test lead
to the cathode to measure the direct current (If). Touch the black
test lead in the diode cathode and the red test lead in the anode
to measure the reverse current (Ir).
6. For a good diode there is a considerable change in the pointer for
direct current (LI scale) and a short change for reverse current (LI
7. The indicated value in LV scale during the measurement is the
direct voltage of diode for this test current.
G. Iceo Test
1. Connect the red test lead on terminal + and the black test lead
on terminal -COM.
2. Select the rotary switch for one of the positions x1 (150mA), x10
(15mA), x100 (1,5mA), x1k (150µA).
3. Make the zero adjustment on range choose, as Resistance
4. Connect the transistor.
For NPN transistor, the "N" terminal of the tester is connected
with the "C" collector and the "P" terminal with the emitter "E" of
the transistor.
For PNP transistor, reverse the NPN transistor connection.
5. Read Iceo range on multimeter. If the pointer is not within the
LEAK zone or is not moving up near the full scale, means the
transistor tested is not good. Otherwise it is a good transistor.