Introductio n
To all residents of the E uropea n Union
Important environme ntal information about this p roduct
This symbol on the de vice or the package indicates that
disposal of the de vice afte r its life cycle could harm the
e nvironm ent. Do not dispose of the unit (or batte rie s) as
unsorted m unicipal waste ; it should be take n to a
spe cialize d com pany for re cycling. This de vice should be
re turned to your distributor or to a local re cycling se rvice . R espe ct
the local e nvironme ntal rule s.
If in d oubt, contact yo ur loca l wa ste d ispo sal author ities.
Thank you for choosing Velleman! Please read the manual thoroughly
before bringing this de vice into se rvice . If the de vice was damaged in
transit, don't install or use it and contact your deale r.
Safety Instructions
Ke ep the de vice away from childre n and unauthorised use rs
Indoor use only. Ke ep this de vice away from rain,
moisture , splashing and dripping liquids.
• Dam age caused by disregard of ce rtain guide lines in this manual
is not cove re d by the warranty and the deale r will not acce pt
re sponsibility for any ensuing defe cts or proble ms.
• Note that damage cause d by use r m odifications to the de vice is
not cove re d by the warranty.
General Guidelines
Re fe r to the Velleman® Se rvice a nd Qua lity Warra nty on the last
page s of this manual.
• Prote ct this de vice from shock s and abuse . Avoid brute force whe n
ope rating the de vice .
• Prote ct the de vice against ex treme heat and dust.
• Fam iliarise yourse lf with the functions of the de vice before actually
using it.
• All modifications of the de vice are forbidde n for safe ty reasons.
V. 02 – 29/04/2014
©Ve lleman nv