Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars,pipesand othersources
of ignition.
accumulatein the area.
Neverremovegas cap or add fuel whileengineis hotor running.
Allowengineto coolat leasttwo minutesbeforerefueling.
Neveroverfill fuel tank.Filltank to no morethan 1 inch below
bottomof fillerneck to providefor fuel expansion.
Replacegasolinecapand tighten securely.
If gasolineis spilled,wipe it off the engineand equipment.Move
machineto anotherarea.Wait5 minutesbeforestartingengine.
Neverstorethe machineor fuel containernear an open flame,
sparkor pilot lightas on a waterheater,spaceheater,furnace,
clothesdryer or othergas appliances.
Toreducefirehazard,keepmachinefreeof grass,leaves,or
otherdebrisbuild-up.Cleanup oil or fuel spillageand removeany
Allowmachineto cool at least 5 minutesbeforestoring.
Neverrun an engine indoors or ina poorlyventilatedarea.Engine
exhaustcontainscarbonmonoxide,an odorlessand deadlygas.
Beforecleaning,repairing,or inspecting, makecertain the
bladeand all movingparts havestopped.Disconnectthe spark
plug wireand groundagainstthe engineto preventunintended
Checktheblade and enginemountingbolts at frequentintervals
for propertightness.Also, visuallyinspect b lade fordamage(e.g.,
bent, cracked,worn)Replacebladewith the originalequipment
manufacture's (O.E.M.)bladeonly, listed in this manual.Useof
parts whichdo notmeet the originalequipmentspecifications may
lead to improper p erformanceand compromise safety!
Mowerbladesare sharpand can cut. Wrapthe bladeor wear
gloves,and use extracautionwhen servicingthem.
Keepall nuts,bolts,and screwstight to be suretheequipmentis
in safeworkingcondition.
Nevertamperwith safetydevices.Checktheirproperoperation
After strikinga foreignobject, stopthe engine,disconnectthe
sparkplug wireand groundagainstthe engine.Thoroughly
inspect t he mowerfor anydamage.Repairthe damagebefore
startingand operatingthe mower.
Neverattemptto makea wheelor cuttingheightadjustmentwhile
the engineisrunning.
Grasscatchercomponents,dischargecover,and trailshieldare
subjectto wearand damagewhichcouldexposemovingparts or
allowobjectsto be thrown.Forsafetyprotection,frequentlycheck
components and replaceimmediately with originalequipment
manufacturer's (O.E.M.)parts only,listed inthis manual.Use of
parts whichdo notmeet the originalequipmentspecifications may
lead to improper p erformanceand compromise safety!
Donot changethe engine'sgovernorsettingor over-speed the
engine.Thegovernorcontrolsthe maximumsafe operatingspeed
of the engine.
Checkfuel line,tank,cap, and fittings frequentlyfor cracksor
Donot crankenginewith sparkplug removed.
Maintainor replacesafetyand instruction l abels,as necessary.
Observeproperdisposallawsand regulations.Improperdisposal
of fluids and materialscan harmthe environment.
Accordingto theConsumerProductsSafetyCommission (CPSC)
and the U.S.Environmental ProtectionAgency(EPA),this product
hasan AverageUsefulLife of seven(7) years,or 140hoursof
operation.At the end of theAverageUseful L ifehavethe machine
inspected a nnuallyby a Searsor otherqualifiedservicedealer
to ensurethat all mechanical a nd safetysystemsare working
properlyand notwornexcessively.Failureto do so can result in
accidents,injuries or death.
Toavoidseriousinjury or death,do not modifyengine inany way.
Tampering with the governorsettingcanlead to a runawayengineand
cause itto operateat unsafespeeds.Nevertamperwithfactory setting
of engine governor.
Engineswhich are certifiedtocomplywith Californiaand federal
EPAemissionregulations for SORE(SmallOff RoadEquipment) are
certifiedto operateon regularunleadedgasoline,and mayinclude
the followingemissioncontrol systems:EngineModification (EM) and
ThreeWay Catalyst(TWC)ifso equipped.
This machineisequippedwith an internal combustionengineand
shouldnotbe usedon or nearany unimproved forest-covered,
brushcovered or grass-covered land unlessthe engine'sexhaust
systemisequippedwith a sparkarrestermeetingapplicablelocalor
statelaws (if any).
If a sparkarresterisused, itshouldbe maintainedin effectiveworking
order by theoperator.Inthe State of Californiathe aboveis required
bylaw(Section4442 of the CaliforniaPublicResources Code). Other
statesmayhavesimilarlaws. Federallawsapplyon federallands.
A spark arresterfor the mufflerisavailablethroughyournearestSears
Partsand RepairServiceCenter.