Adjust the distance as follows:
Loosen the screws [24-1] and [24-4].
Slide the rulers [24-2] and [24-3] apart.
Set the routing tool in the required position (see
chapter Adjusting the routing tool height).
Move the rulers [24-2] and [24-3] until they are
between 2 and 5 mm (0.08 and 0.20 in.) from the
cutting circle of the routing tool.
Tighten the screws [24-1] and [24-4].
If the adjustment range of either ruler is insuf-
fi cient:
Loosen the screws [21-1] on both sides of the
Move the ruler to the required position.
Tighten the screws [21-1] on both sides.
Adjusting the fence in parallel
Proceed as follows to adjust the entire fence for
profi le routing, for example:
Loosen the screws [25-1] and [25-2].
Move the fence to the required position Y (over-
hang of the cutting circle in relation to the rul-
ers) [23].
Align the fence with reference to the
scales [20-3] and markings [20-4].
Tighten the screws [25-1] and [25-2].
Adjusting the runout ruler
Proceed as follows to adjust the runout ruler [26-5]
in relation to guide ruler [26-1]:
Loosen the screw [26-2].
Use a strip of straight material to align the guide
and runout rulers in relation to one another.
Only turn the dial ring [26-3] to reset to zero.
Turn the adjusting wheel [26-4] to set the desired
dimension X (overhang of the guide ruler in rela-
tion to the runout ruler). The distance between
each line on the dial ring [26-3] is 0.1 mm (0.004
in.)- one full turn of the ring represents 1 mm
( 0.04 in.).
26-2 26-3 26-4