Release the roller brush cover and re-
move the cover.
Remove the roller brush.
Cut any threads or hairs that have
wound themselves around the roller
brush with a pair of scissors.
Remove the threads and hair using
the wiper which is located on the bot-
tom of the cleaning tool.
Hold the wiper over a bin.
Press the button at the top of the
wiper several times until all threads
and hair have fallen out.
Refit the roller brush. Make sure that
the side with the pointed end is inser-
ted into the corresponding slot.
Carefully refit the roller brush cover,
making sure it clicks into position.
Refit the side brushes, see "Cleaning
the side brushes".
In order to continue to achieve the
best possible cleaning results, re-
place the roller brush with a new one
after approx. 1 year.
Cleaning the dust box seals
Clean the seals on the bottom of the
dust box as required.
Place the robot vacuum cleaner up-
side down on a level, clean surface.
Wipe the seals with a slightly damp
cloth to clean them.