General Advices; Montaje De Los Discos - Skyfood RQ-150 Manual De Instrucciones

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Esté seguro que el Disco está debidamente fijado en su base.
El accionamiento de la maquina es hecho a través de la Llave Liga/Desliga Nº04 (Fig.01)
ubicada en la lateral derecha de la maquina.

3.2 Montaje de los Discos

3.2.1 Inicialmente escoja el Disco ideal para el trabajo a ser realizado conforme la Tabla -
3.2.2 Encaje el Disco en la base del disco conforme la Figura 03.
3.2.3 Encaje la base del disco con el Disco en la cámara de disco, asegurándose del perfecto
encaje de la misma conforma la Figura 04.
3.2.4 Cierre la Boca Completa y esté seguro de que la misma está debidamente trabada
conforme la Figura 05.

6. General Advices

- Do not wear loose fi ng clothes while opera ng the unit. Do not use bracelets or any
other piece of jewelry. Have your hair always shortened and held up (use hair fishnets if
necessary) in a way it cannot reach any part of the machine. Roll up any loose sleeves.
- SKYFOOD is not responsible for any harm or injury caused by the negligent or inappropriate
use of this equipment by any operator. This equipment must be operated only by persons
whose age equals or exceeds 18 years old, in a safe and sound state of mind, free from the
influence of any kind of drugs and alcohol, that received proper training and instruc ons
regarding the correct opera on of this machine, that are wearing correct and authorized
safety clothes. All and any kind of modifica ons carried on and applied to this machine
immediately nullifies any kind of warranty and may result in harm and injuries to the
individuals opera ng this machine and to individuals that are located in the machine
surrounding areas while it is being operated.
- Under no circunstances place your hands in the moving parts of the machine while it
is being used. Make sure the machine has come to a complete stop before acessing the
processed ingredients.


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