Wir / We, Eaton Industries GmbH, 53105 Bonn, Germany,
Hein-Moeller-Str. 7-11, 53115 Bonn, Germany
EMV-Richtlinie / EMC Directive
RoHS-Richtlinie / RoHS Directive
Maschinenrichtlinie / Machinery Directive
i.A. Edgar Willems
Director Quality
Industrial Controls & Protection Division
i.A. Andrew Bruce
Director Product Line Management
Industrial Controls & Protection Division
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04/18 IL04913001Z
Consistency of a production sample with the marked product in accordance with the Directive
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
has been certified by:
IFA-Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung,
Notified Agency / Address:
Alte Heerstraße 111, D-53757 Sankt Augustin (Kenn-Nr. 0121)
IFA 0901048
Certification Number:
The marked product is consistent with the examined production sample:
CE documentation officer:
Edgar Willems, Eaton Industries GmbH, Hein-Moeller-Str. 7-11, D-53115 Bonn
i.A. Edgar Willems
Director Quality
Industrial Controls & Protection Division
i.A. Andrew Bruce
Director Product Line Management
Industrial Controls & Protection Division
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