Improper use or mIsuse oF tHIs Buoyancy compensator, or any DIVInG
eQuIpment, couLD resuLt In serIous InJury or DeatH.
Do not use this Buoyancy Compensator until you have carefully and completely read,
understood and followed all instructions and safety precautions found in this manual, all
inserts that accompanied this manual, and all tags and markings found on the Buoyancy
Proper training in swimming, SCUBA diving, buoyancy control and emergency buoyancy
skills is required to safely use this product. A Buoyancy Compensator is not a substitute for
these skills. The user must have successfully completed a course of training in SCUBA diving,
buoyancy control and emergency buoyancy skills. This instruction should be from a certified
SCUBA instructor of a recognized educational organization, such as YMCA, PADI, NAUI, SSI,
Retain this manual for your reference.
Review this manual periodically and prior to diving.
If you have any questions or are unclear about any instructions contained within contact your
SUBGEAR dealer or see our website for individual country contact information:
FaILure to reaD, unDerstanD anD FoLLoW tHe precautIons LIsteD BeLoW
couLD resuLt In serIous InJury or DeatH
THIS IS NOT A LIFE JACKET. Emergency face up flotation may not be provided for all wearers
and in all conditions.
Do not rely on the BC to create emergency positive buoyancy or initiate or sustain an ascent
in an emergency situation.
Be prepared to deal with emergency buoyancy conditions.
Uncontrolled ascents, descents, or loss of buoyancy control may result from misuse,
unfamiliarity with operation and function of the BC, improper training, stress or panic. See
topics under "Intended Use" and "Valve Set up and Operation" in this manual.
Do not dive with a BC that is damaged, leaks air or does not function properly. Before each
use, inspect for proper operation, leakage or damage. Terminate any dive as safely and
quickly as possible if the BC becomes damaged, leaks air or does not function properly. See
"BC Examination and Procedures" in this manual.
Always perform a pre-dive and post-dive inspection of the BC. Have your dive partner
perform a cross check as well. The pre-dive, dive and post-dive BC examinations help identify
equipment problems before unsafe conditions exist. See "BC Examination and Procedures"
in this manual.
This BC is a system for adjusting a diver's buoyancy. It is not a life support system or
breathing device.
Excess weight may impair or prevent the proper operation of the BC. Proper weight for typical
sport diving provides neutral buoyancy at the shallow ascent stop performed before surfacing,
with a deflated BC and tanks low on air. Failure to establish proper weighting that is not excessive
may result in injury or death.
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