Safety recommendations
As the manufacturer has no direct control over the operation of the elebia® autohook, the safe handling
of the equipment is therefore the responsibility of the user and of the operating personnel. This list of
WHAT MUST and WHAT MUST NOT BE DONE is based on the ISO and ANSI standards. Ask your supervisor
for a copy. Each warning is identified either with the PRECAUTION or the WARNING sign, to indicate the
degree of seriousness.
NOTE: the system features a powerful magnet. Do not approach with metal items.
Magnetic cards, credit cards, hard disks and other magnetic elements may be damaged if brought close to the magnet.
NOTE: disconnect power sources prior to handling.
Under no circumstance does the manufacturer either accept any liability for the use of these recommen-
dations, which are voluntary, or guarantee them. The recommendations do not take precedence over
standards and regulations.
In the event of breakdown or malfunction, withdraw the mechanism and consult the technical service.
Keep a steady posture or secure yourself somehow when operating the elebia® autohook.
Use the hook's safety catch. The safety catches are to hold slings and chains, etc. only when slack.
Make sure that the hook's safety catch is closed and no load is sustained.
Make sure that the load is free to move and free of all obstacles.
Avoid swinging the load or the hook.
Inspect the elebia® system regularly, replace damaged or worn parts, and keep proper maintenan-
ce records.
Use the replacement parts recommended by the manufacturer when the unit is repaired.
DO NOT allow your attention to waver when handling the elebia® autohook.
DO NOT allow improper use of the elebia® autohook cause it to knock structures or objects.
10. DO NOT adjust or repair the elebia® autohook. This must be done by qualified personnel.
11. Ensure that the recommended maintenance routines are performed.
Disclaimer: This brochure is for information only. The manufacturer reserves the right to modify specifications.