Recipe suggestion:
tr dition l w
les (for 10 w
3 eggs
125 g butter
100 g sug r
1 p ck ge of v nill sug r
tsp s lt
Prep ring the b tter: Melt the butter nd llow it to cool
o for
few minutes before you dd the eggs, sug r, v nill
sug r nd s lt. Whisk the wet ingredients until they re
Now sift in the dry ingredients – the lour nd the b king
powder. Fin lly, dd the milk. Whisk the b tter once g in
until it is smooth nd e sy to pour.
Obviously, you c n lso use this device to m ke other types
of w
le recipes, including those m de from mixes.
TIP: Serve your w
whipped cre m, honey or nything you like.
Before you put your ppli nce w y for stor ge, lw ys roll
up the cord (8) inside the cord stor ge comp rtment (11).
Alw ys w it until the device h s cooled down completely
before you cle n it.
Before you st rt cle ning the ppli nce, m ke sure it is
no longer connected to m ins.
Any other servicing should be performed by n uthorized
service represent tive.
Never use ny h rsh scrubbing cle ners, scr pers, met l
covered sponges, steel wool or so p steel wool sponges
to cle n the to sting surf ces or the device housing.
Use only
moist r g to wipe the housing nd w
surf ces cle n. If tough residue should keep sticking to
the to ster surf ces, pl ce some food gr de oil on
towel nd remove the food with it.
Never immerse the housing, plug nd cord into w ter –
the W
le M ker is n electric l device.
250 ml whole milk
or buttermilk
250 g lour
1 tsp of b king powder
les with fresh fruit, fruit compote,
le iron
p per