To avoid possible burns and electric shock, make sure that the grill hob on which the lid is
mounted is disconnected from the power supply and cooled down before installation.
Remove the flue cover of the grill hob by firmly pulling it with both hands up (Fig. 11). Keep
the cover for future reuse.
Install the flue cover provided with the lid. (Fig.12) The factory-installed flue cover covers the mo-
unting holes needed to screw the cover on. Slide the flue cover provided with the lid (Fig. 13 pos. 1) so
that it covers the outside of the flue base (Fig. 13 pos. 2) and the rear edge of the grill hob (Fig.13 pos.
4). The fixing plates (Fig.13, pos. 3) pre-assembled from the center to the flue cover should be based
on the inner wall of the rear edge of the grill hob (Fig.13 pos. 4).
Figure 11. Disassembly of the flue cover.
Figure 12. Installation of the flue cover.
1. Flue cover
2. Flue base
3. Mounting plate
4. Rear edge of the grill hob
Figure 13. Installation of the flue cover.
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