3. To remove the Safety Cover from your
AIRPLAY™ Controller, insert a flat headed
screw driver (or similar tool) into the slot on
either end cap of the Safety Cover and
spread open the Safety Cover channel before
twisting it off of the reLOAD™ battery bay
(refer to accompanying diagram).
(NOTE: Be sure to remove the Safety Cover
before attempting to replace the battery in
your AIRPLAY™ Controller.)
Connecting your AIRPLAY™
Connecting your AIRPLAY™
Connecting your AIRPLAY™
Connecting your AIRPLAY™
Connecting your AIRPLAY™
to a PlayStation® game
to a PlayStation® game
to a PlayStation® game
to a PlayStation® game
to a PlayStation® game
Because AIRPLAY™ is a Wireless
controller, the only component that
must be connected directly to the
PlayStation® game console is the
AIRPLAY™ Receiver unit. The
AIRPLAY™ Receiver will work in
either of the two controller ports
located at the front of the
PlayStation® game console (refer to
accompanying diagram).
AIRPLAY™ also allows for the use of Sony® memory cards.
To install the AIRPLAY™ Receiver, follow these steps:
1. Ensure that the PlayStation® game console is turned off.
2. If you have any Sony® Memory Cards, make sure that you have unplugged them
from the game console memory ports.
3. Insert the AIRPLAY™ Receiver (with the AIRPLAY™ logo facing upwards) into
either of the two available game console controller ports.
4. Reinstall any Sony® Memory Cards back into their respective game console ports.
5. For optimal radio range, stretch the external AIRPLAY™ antenna out so that it's
horizontal to the ground and parallel to the front of the PlayStation® game console
(refer to accompanying diagram).
6. Turn on the power to your PlayStation® game console and get ready for some Radio
Wireless gaming fun.
(NOTE: The bottom of the AIRPLAY™ Receiver has been specially designed
with a forward foot to give it support using the same flat surface that your
PlayStation® is resting on. Ensure that the AIRPLAY™ Receiver is being
supported while it is plugged into the PlayStation® game console. )
Operating your AIRPLAY™ Radio Wireless Controller
At this point you should have installed the AIRPLAY™ Receiver and loaded a battery
into AIRPLAY™'s reLOAD™ battery bay. The PlayStation® game console should also
be powered-up.
Once AIRPLAY™ has been powered-on, the AIRPLAY™ Controller functions identically
to a standard PlayStation® digital controller. AIRPLAY™ also boasts some additional
features, which are accessed via the PROGRAM key. The following paragraphs describe
how to Power-On the AIRPLAY™ Controller and how to make use of these additional
Power On/Off
Power On/Off
Power On/Off
Power On/Off
Power On/Off
Power-on AIRPLAY™ by clicking the POWER/CHANNEL key. This key is also used to
change channels once the power is on. When AIRPLAY™ is powered on (when the
POWER/CHANNEL key is clicked initially), the "reLOAD" indicator flashes 3 times
quickly to indicate that the unit's power has turned on. When the POWER/CHANNEL
button is clicked subsequently (to change channels), the reLOAD™ indicator is not lit.
AIRPLAY™ does not have an off switch. The AIRPLAY™ Controller automatically
powers-down when no buttons have been clicked for 5 minutes. When AIRPLAY™ is
restarted, all auto-repeat settings and macro settings are lost, and all AIRPLAY™ keys
are reset to their default settings. Also, when the AIRPLAY™ controller is restarted, it
powers-up on its default radio channel.
The AIRPLAY™ controller may be powered down immediately by pressing (and
holding) the PROGRAM key, clicking the POWER/CHANNEL key and then releasing
the PROGRAM key. Powering the AIRPLAY™ Controller off and then on again is a
handy way to clear all Programmed keys, clear all Auto-Repeat keys and return
AIRPLAY™ to its default channel.
w w w . a i r p l a y e r . n e t
11/1/99, 1:12 PM