Frequency bind between model
and remote control
The Carrera RC Quadrocopter and the
controller automatically link up renewed
with every operational start-up. If initially
there are any problems with communica-
tion between the Carrera RC Quadrocop-
ter and the remote control, please carry
out a new frequency bind.
• Connect the battery in the model.
• The LEDs on the quadrocopter now flash
• Switch on the controller at the power
• Slide the left joystick, thus the gas lever,
completely up and down again into the
zero position.
• The binding has now been successfully
• The LED on the controller now lights con-
• After approx. 5½ minutes, the controller
switches off. Please repeat the link pro-
cedure for renewed use.
• WARNING! Immediately after switch-
ing it on, place the Quadrocopter on
a flat and level surface. The gyro-sys-
tem will then set itself automatically.
Description of the Quadrocopter
1. Rotor system
2. Rotor protection cage
3. LEDs
4. Battery cable
5. Quadrocopter connecting plug
6. Battery compartment
Range of functions of the remote
1. Power (ON / OFF)
2. Control LED
3. Gas
4. Forwards / backwards
right / left banking
5. Trimmer for right / left banking
6. Trimmer for forwards / backwards
7. Trimmer for rotation
8. Looping Button
9. Headless Mode
10. Light (on/off)
11. Beginner/Advanced switch
12. Battery compartment
Choosing the flight area
When being prepared for the first flight
you should choose a closed room
which is as large as possible without
any persons or obstacles. Due to its
size and controllability, experienced pi-
lots may be able to fly the Quadrocop-
ter in relatively small rooms. For your
first flights we strongly recommend
you choose a room with a minimum
floor space of 5 x 5 metres and 2.40
metres in height. After having trimmed
your Quadrocopter for flight and made
yourself familiar with the controller and
its functions you may start flying in
smaller and less open environments.
To be used in domestic area (house and
garden) only.
There must be no persons
or objects such as pillars between the con-
troller and the Quadrocopter to obstruct
direct connection.
Checklist for flight preparation
This checklist is not a substitute for the con-
tents of the operating instructions. Although it
can be used as a quick-start-guide, we strong-
ly recommend you first to read the operating
instructions in detail before you proceed.
• Check the contents of the package.
• Connect the charging unit to the source of
• Charge the lipo-battery as described in the
section "Recharging the LiPo rechargeable
• Fit 2 AA batteries in the controller, making
sure their polarity is correct.