2. tEChNiCAl ChARACtERistiCs
2.1. REfERENCE CoNditioNs
Quantity of influence
Relative humidity
Electric field
Magnetic field
2.2. ElECtRiCAl ChARACtERistiCs
2.2.1. iNPut ChARACtERistiCs
Voltage range: 110V to 1000V.
Overload tolerance: ± 10% permanent, ± 15% temporary.
Frequency range: DC to 440Hz
Input current: 0.8 Arms max.
2.2.2. outPut ChARACtERistiCs
Quantity of influence
Permanent output power
Output voltage @15W
Maximum no-load output voltage
Ripple of the output voltage
Maximum short-circuit duration
Starting-up time at 100V
2.2.3. EffiCiENCy
The efficiency is 73%.
Reference values
20 ± 3 °C
45 to 55 %HR
< 1 V/m
< 40 A/m
15 W
15 V
17 V
300 mVrms
< 10 s