1. The Display does not
turn on when powered
2. A single LED is lit on
the Display.
3. The Display only
shows the decimal
point between the two
4. The Display does not
show the Console-700
5. The Display
occasionally freezes or
shows only the
decimal point.
6. The Display is dim.
7. The buzzer cannot be
heard well or doesn't
Replacing the power bank
If you need to replace the power bank, you can request art. 260-20 "Power bank for WSC-24s display" or
you can use one of your choice with the following features:
/ 40
When voltage is supplied to the shot clock, all indicators on the Display light up for about 1
second, even when the Console-700 is off or disconnected. If this does not happen, check that:
• the power bank is on and charged;
• the USB connection between the power bank and internal board is not damaged.
Try the following:
• use another power bank (see chap.3.2);
• power the Display with a USB power supply (see chap.2.4).
As required by FIBA, if the shot clock is set to 24 seconds and time is stopped, the shot clock
Display needs to be off. This is signaled by a single LED lighting up.
When receiving no data from the Console-700, the shot clock only displays the decimal point.
If the connection is wireless, check on the Console-700's "RADIO communication" menu that:
• "Activate radio transmission" with FS2 "Radio protocol" is on;
• the Display is paired;
• "Radio power" transmission is on the highest setting (3).
Try the following:
• pair the Display again (see chap.2.5);
• use a cable connection (see chap.2.6).
If the connection is via cable:
• use the Console-700's other "Data Serial Output" port;
• check that the cable is not damaged, and if necessary replace it.
The shot clock may have been paired to another nearby Console-700, so it displays the information
sent by the other console.
• See the Console-700 manual to manage various Console-700 devices in the same area.
• Turn off the other Console-700 and follow the display's pairing procedure (chap.2.5).
This is usually due to interferences in the wireless communication:
• check on the Console-700's "RADIO communication" menu that the transmission "Radio power"
is on the highest setting (3);
• make sure that there are no obstructions, particularly metal ones, between the Console-700
and the Displays, and, if necessary, change the position of the Console-700;
• try using a cable connection (see chap.2.6).
In the Console-700 "SYSTEM SETTINGS" check the "Brightness of LED boards" level.
On the Console-700:
• on the "SYSTEM SETTINGS" menu, check that the "Shot clock horn volume" setting is greater
than 0;
• on the "SPORT" menu check that the duration of the "Sound at the end of shot clock" is greater
than 0;
• try activating the buzzer with the manual button.
Open the Display's back panel and check that the buzzer is connected.
00268-M01-01-ML - WSC-24s User Manual - 271118 - FAVERO ELECTRONICS