2.13 Hook for bags
Hook for bags (1) can be used to hang bags.
Hook has protection, which prevents from unfastening
and loosing the bag.
In order to hang a bag the operator should expand the
hooks in directions showed with arrows.
Remember that while turning the vehicle the
swinging bags may aff ect riding.
Do not hang weights exceeding 3 kg on the hook.
2.14 Lighting
Each time, before riding the lighting installation should be checked in respect of its
functionality, damages, and settings.
Due to the fact that the LED energy-saving bulbs were used in GOVECS scooters, in case
of abnormal functioning or damage of lighting installation, its repair should be ordered
at GOVECS service station.
Head-light („+" high beam) and parking light
Front and rear turn signals
Tail light
Brake light for front and rear brake
Number-plate light
Hook for bags