1. Safety guidelines
1.1 Pre-ride activities
Before riding scooter make sure that:
1.2 Clothing
Inadequate clothing may become a threat to safe riding!
The charging plug is out of the socket
The battery is suffi ciently charged
The lighting, turn signals, and horn function properly
The mirrors are adjusted for proper use
There is the correct air pressure and proper tread depth in tires
The brakes work properly (braking test while pushing the scooter)
There is the correct level of braking fl uid and that the brake pads are not worn out
It is easy to turn the handlebars without resistance, fully left and right
There is proper belt tention
Always ride in proper clothes and proper helmet.
Wear tight fi tting and comfortable clothing
Wear proper boots (don't ride in high heels, fl ip-fl ops, or similar open footgear)