Connection Loss
If a Bluetooth connection loss appears (due to range), the RSM-Ex 01 BT automatically
tries to reconnect with the device. This happens until the devices have been reconnec-
ted or the RSM-Ex 01 BT has been turned off.
BT Name
The BT name of the device is „BT_RSM_PTT_XX:XX", where the „XX:XX" stands for
the last to words of the BT-Address.
For example „BT_RSM_PTT_44:55" (BT-Address: 00:11:22:33:44:55).
BT Details
Frequency & Output power
2402MHz ~ 2480MHz | 7.11dBm
14. Accelerometer
The RSM-Ex 01 BT has an accelerometer integrated. To read out the values, a SPP
connection must be established. Preamble, postamble and separator can be adjusted
via the xml-file. See software manual.
Read ACC data:
#ACC X \r\n
#ACC Y \r\n
#ACC Z \r\n
#ACC XYZ \r\n
#ACC T \r\n
15. Mute Function
Activating the mute function:
To activate the mute function, press and hold the volume down button for approx. 4
seconds. After successful activation, „Mute On" is indicated via an audio prompt and
flashing yellow and green LEDs.
Deactivating the mute function:
To deactivate the mute function, briefly press the volume up button.
After successful deactivation, „Mute Off" is indicated via an audio prompt and the yellow
and green LEDs turn off
X_value \n
Y_value \n
Z_value \n
X_value;Y_value;Zvalue \n
Temp_value \n