11. Channel Up/Down Button (optional)*
A channel change can be initiated via the channel up/down buttons.
The product will send „CH_UP=P" (channel up button pressed) and „CH_UP =R" (chan-
nel up button released) and „CH_DOWN=P" (channel down button pressed) and „CH_
DOWN =R" (channel down button released) when a SPP connection is established.
The channel up/down functions must be integrated in the respective application.
12. PTT functions
Start PTT Call*
The product will send by default value „+PTT=P" (PTT button pressed) when a SPP
connection is established. To initiate a PTT call, press and hold the PTT button.
This function must be supported by the associated application. When this signal is
emitted, the channel is available for making a call.
End PTT Call*
To end a PTT call, release the PTT button. The product will send „+PTT=R" (PTT button
released) when a SPP connection is established.
This function must be supported by the associated application.
When this signal is emitted, the channel is available for making a call.
*The command that is sent can be customized via the xml-file. See software manual.
13. Bluetooth
Discover Mode
Press and hold the Power Button for 5 seconds when the device is switched off. The
„Discovering" function is indicated via an audio prompt and blue flashing LED.
Automatic Connection by Switching Device On
After turning on the product, the device automatically tries to connect with the last
connected device.